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We arrived at the waterpark and set all our stuff down, the moms decided to have a ladies day and sunbathe whilst the dads took us on the water slides

When I took off my clothes to reveal my bathing suit, I turned around and saw Greg staring at me with a crushed cone in his hand

Y/N: Greg, you crushed your cone

Marcus: Let's hit the water slide

Donna: Daddy, this line's not even moving.

Bean: I want Mommy's milk.

Eric: I know you do, son, but...

Lenny: He wants mommy's milk. Give him some mommy's milk.

Bean: Mommy's milk! Mommy's milk!

Eric: No. No. Damn it. No more Mommy's milk, okay? You want milk, you're drinking regular milk. Here, kid.

Kid: Hey.

Eric: Don't give me any guff right now. Here's a buck. Run along. Run along. Here. Drink the milk out of the carton.

Bean: I don't know if Mommy will want me to.

Eric: All right, just drink it, okay? Just like Daddy does. Let me show you, okay?

Bean: Okay. I'm just like Daddy.

Eric: There you go.

Lenny: No more booby milk.

Kurt: More for us.

Lenny: All right, doing the back-door shuffle. Cutting the line. Go. Don't get hurt.

Donna: Dad, are we allowed to go through here?

Eric: Absolutely not, but we're doing it anyway. All right, your cool dad found this back in the day.

Kurt: Go up the ladder.

Marcus: It's dark in there. Maybe you should hold my hand. I'm scared.

Staff: All right, who's next?

Lenny: Now's a good time. Charlotte. You're up first. There you go.

Y/N: Have fun, Charlotte.

Staff: There you go. Who's next? Go.

The dads, me and Greg went to the zip-line next

Greg: I don't know about this one, Dad. It's kind of steep.

Lenny: It's a little steeper than I remember.

Y/N: Come on, it'll be fun

Lenny: Okay, let's go on another ride.

Eric: I don't like it either, yeah. Come on, we'll get out of here.

Y/N: You guys are wimps

Dickie: Good thing the kid chickened out, so you don't have to go, right, Feder?

Wiley: Why don't you hire somebody to do it for you, Mr. Richie Rich?

Lenny: Hey, Wiley, what's up, man?

Dickie's kid: Step aside. Let me get this on. All right, son.

When Dickie's kid grabbed the handles, he looked at me and winked

Y/N: Ew

Dickie's kid: Hasta la vista, chicken shiznit.

Dickie: Yeah, look at him go. Go, kid.

Lenny: That was good. That was very nice.

Greg: All right, now I want some of this.

Lenny: Look at this. Look at this.

Eric: What happened there? Attaboy. Way to go, Greggie.

Lenny: Backwards, huh? Look at him. Backwards, baby.

Y/N: My turn, this is how it's done

I took hold of the handles and went down, when I let go, I did a flip into the water

Lenny: Did you know she could do that?

Eric: Not a clue, that was impressive

Dickie: You're up, Hollywood.

Lenny: I'm up? All right. I don't know how you follow a flip. Just pay attention to the dismount, would you?

Lenny went down and put Dickie to shame

Eric: Looks like second place again, Bailey, huh?

Suddenly Wiley came down by his feet, but he got stuck and crashed into the bait shack

When we got back to the lake house some people were building a tree fort, others were playing with horseshoes, some went down to the lake whilst me, Eric, Lenny, Greg, and Andre played basketball

Lenny: That's how you do it, boy.

Roxanne: Becky. You can do this.

Mom: Good. There you go.

Roxanne: Give me a five.

Mom: Roxanne, look at him. It's like he totally forgot about me.

Roxanne: Typical man. They take all you can give and then they trade you in for some cow.

Mom: I don't know what I'm supposed to do with these now.

Eric: I do.

Y/N: Gross, dad

Everyone looked at me

Eric: Did you just call me dad?

Y/N: I'm sorry

The word dad just blurted out, when Eric questioned me, I started to get upset as I was nervous

Eric: Sweetie, no, it's okay, you can call me dad if you want to

Y/N: Really?

Eric: Yeah, you are my daughter

I hugged my dad

Mom: Aww, that's so sweet

Y/N: Come on, let's play

Lenny: Now, see that, buddy? I did the old bank shot. Banks open. Pick a spot. Aim for it.

Eric: Oh, yeah. Your dad will go 50 for 50 with these.

Greg: Really? Because on the Wii, the bank shot never works.

Eric: Yeah? Well, you should Wii-turn it and get a Wii-fund. Tim Duncan's had about a hundred game winners with that bad boy.

Lenny: Honey, are you watching me?

Roxanne: Oh, baby, that was hot.

Lenny: Come here, let me show you. Move it, move it, move it. What you gotta do is...See the box up there? Top right corner of it? Hello?

Greg was looking at me whilst I was talking to my dad

Lenny: Focus, boy, focus. Get off of that. You can talk to her later, all right, come on. Go ahead. Follow through. Keep the hand up. Are you kidding me? Respect.

Lenny: See how good you can be when you wear normal clothes?

Y/N: Nice Greg, let me try

Eric: You can do it sweetheart

I did the bank shot and it went in

Greg: Awesome Y/N

Y/N: Thanks Greg

Grown ups (Y/N Y/L/N x Greg Feder)Where stories live. Discover now