Chapter 3

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On his way back home, Bose stopped in his tracks when he saw his parents talking to a strange woman outside the house. Bose didn't think he knew her until he got closer and recognized her voice. She was the woman he spoke with on the phone earlier.

Oh, no.

His dad turned his head and noticed him where he was standing.

He waved a hand for him to come over. Bose took a deep breath, bracing himself and walked over to them.

"Bose did you-" His dad began before Bose cut him off. "I didn't mean to be rude! I just really don't want to lose the house and I can't believe you would actually want to sell it!"

His mom stroked his hair and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Sweetie, we're not selling this house." She said, calmly. Bose looked confused. "You're not?" He turned to the lady. "But she said that-"

The lady interrupted him. "I'm not interested in buying this house, silly. I wanted to buy one of your father's beach houses in the Bahamas." She laughed. "I've been speaking to your parents about it for weeks."

She seemed very kind and Bose felt guilty for being so harsh with her over the phone.

"Oh. I didn't know. I'm so sorry, I thought you wanted to buy our house from us."

"It's fine, misunderstandings happen."

Bose was glad the woman accepted his apology but his dad didn't look too pleased.

"Bose, please see our geust out." He said firmly.

"Yes, dad." Bose was about to turn but his dad grabbed him by the shoulder. "And then, a word."

Bose nodded before leaving to see the woman out. He thought he should apologize again. "Sorry, again for almost giving you a heart attack."

The woman laughed. "It's fine. And by the way, your spanish is spots on. Are any of your parents spanish?"

Bose smiled at her compliment. "No, I'm just a linguist. You?" He asked.

"Yes, both my parents are." She waved. "Okay, goodbye then." She said. Bose waved before turning back to the house. He sighed.

"Time for my death sentence."


"I'm sorry." Bose said for the sixteenth time. "Yelling at my clients over the phone?" Bose's dad was pacing the living room and he sounded really mad and Bose decided all the sorrys in the world wouldn't calm him down. 

"I didn't know."

His dad turned to face him.

"Even if I did want to sell the house, why would you even interfere?"

His mom placed a hand on his dad's shoulder. "Listen, why don't we discuss this over dinner?"

His dad seemed to have calmed down a bit so his mom contently dropped her hand.

"Are you doing this because you don't want to move?" He asked.

"Yes!" Bose got off the couch. "That's what I've been saying all week, But you won't listen to me!"

His dad shook his head. "Well, I'm sorry but we're still moving." He headed towards the kitchen.


"That's final, Bose." His dad said. Bose didn't say anything. He just went upstairs to his bedroom.

His mom walked into the kitchen where his dad was sitting at the table, arms crossed. "Give it time." She said, softly. "I'm sure he'll come around."

He sighed. "What's for dinner? I'm starved."


"He didn't even give you a chance to explain?" Mika asked on Bose's laptop screen. He was face timing her and Miles but, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't do the same with Chapa because she was already asleep.


"Well, that's not fair. He should have at least given you a chance to explain yourself." Miles said.

"I'm not even mad about that. I'm mad because even though he knows how much I want to stay here, he's still insisting we move. That's what isn't fair."

"So did you start packing today?" Mika asked.

"No, dad's too upset to pack. He decided we should start tomorrow."

Nobody said anything for a while.

"This is unacceptable!" Miles suddenly exclaimed. "We gotta figure out a way to keep Bose in Swellview. And fast!"

Mika yawned. "Can we do that tomorrow? I'm wiped." She said.

"Yeah, goodnight, guys." Bose said.

"Goodnight." Mika and Miles said, before signing off. Bose closed his laptop and rested on it, folding his arms and burying his face in them. He didn't even care if he fell asleep like this. He worried and worried that at some point he might actually be saying goodbye to Swellview.


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