Chapter 7.

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Bose's POV.

The three of them were still staring at me so I just came in. It was warm inside so I took off my jacket and tossed it aside. But I didn't see Ray come in and it landed on his face. "Hey, what gives?" He said, yanking it off. "I didn't get any sleep last night." I slipped into the couch right next to Miles's legs. "I couldn't stop thinking about what my dad said yesterday." I explained. "What did he say?" Chapa asked. "Remember he said he wanted to reward me?" I asked. Mika shook her head and said, "Actually, he said he wanted to reward Brainsto-" I interrupted her.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. But listen. What If I- well, what if Brainstorm asked him to change his mind about moving to paris?"

They were silent for a couple of seconds but then Miles said, "You know, what? That's actually crazy enough to work." I nodded. "Yeah. He can't refuse if Brainstorm asks." Chapa added. "Good idea, Bose." Ray said. "Um hello?" Mika piped up. "Oh God, Mika what nowwwwww" Chapa groaned.

Mika rolled her eyes at her before saying,

"Have you even thought this through? First of all, your dad would probably be wondering how Brainstorm even knows he's planning to move and he might get a little suspicious about why Brainstorm is interested in Bose's family matters. Ever think of that?"

Dang it.

"She's right." Miles said. I banged my head frustratedly on the table.

"All I want is to stay in my hometown. Is that too much to ask?" I wailed.

"Don't give up hope buddy." Miles said rubbing my back.

We got an emergency call and Mika got off the couch.

"Emergency call." She looked at her study table screen. "Oh wait, it's just the Vice Mayor."

"Alright, kids." Ray got up and popped a gumball in his mouth. "Time to blow and go." He paused. "Well...just blow...'cause, we're not going anywhere and...just blow a bubble!"

We took out our gums and transformed. Once we were all in uniform, Mika accepted the call. "Hey, Vice Mayor." She said, in her usual cheery Mika way.

"ShoutOut. I'm calling about Brainstorm's reward."

I stepped forward.

"So, you taking that medal?" He asked. I looked back at the rest and they were probably thinking the same thing.

There was no point in going with my plan because he would definitely be suspicious.

I sighed and turned back to him. "Sure." I said. "Brilliant. You'll receive it tomorrow at city hall." He said. "Can we come too?" Volt asked, over my shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah can we?" AWOL added.

"I really don't care." The Vice Mayor said, abruptly ending the call. I sighed again and collapsed on the couch.

"Well, I give up. It's just a matter of time before I leave this town for good."

I've literally never felt this horrible in my life. I'm going to miss these guys so much. "Well, on the bright side, you're getting a really cool medal tomorrow." Mika said. I guess that is something to look forward to. "Sure." I said with an enthusiasm of zero. "I'm going home." I took out my gum and transformed back.

"Already?" Chapa asked. "Yeah. Packing remember?" I replied, heading for the glass doors with my shoulders slouched.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be having myself and internal pity party." I said before leaving.


Miles's POV.

I knocked on the O'Briens' door and waited outside.

If Bose and I will be saying goodbye soon, we need to spend as much time together as possible.

We are the 'Big Boys' after all. We never could decide between 'Mose' and 'Biles' though. Which is probably for the best because both are like, really bad.

I furrowed my eyebrows when no one answered the door.

Bose said they were packing so I'm pretty sure they're all home. I knocked on the door again, this time louder.

Still no response.

That's wierd.

I tried ringing the doorbell and in less than a second it opened and Bose's mom was standing in front of me.

"Sorry." She said "I just really wanted you to use the doorbell." She smiled.

Sometimes it amazes me how alike Bose and his mom are.

"But why?" I asked, a little wierded out.

"Because I like how it sounds." She said before reaching over and ringing her own doorbell over and over again, giggling like a child. "Okay!" I said, stopping her hand. "Is Bose home?" I asked. "Oh yes, come on in. BOSIE! SOMEONE'S HERE FOR YOU!" She screamed. After shattering my eardrums, she led me to the stairs. "Bose's room is on the first door to the left." She said. "Thanks." I said, trying to act like I wasn't as creeped out by her as I was.

I went upstairs and walked through Bose's open room door and WOW.

I should really come over more often. This place is amazing. But I guess that's expected. You know, him being the Vice Mayor's step-son and all. Bose walked out of his closet holding a really cool red shirt.

"Hey buddy." He said, smiling while he placed the shirt in a bag.

Oh right, they're packing.

I decided to tease him to lift his spirits a bit. He should have a laugh to relieve himself of all the stress he's been going through. "Hey, Bosie." I laughed. It worked. He started laughing, though he covered his face in embarrassment. But at least he was laughing. "I've told my mom so many times not to call me that in front of people." He chuckled. "Yeah and someone probably told your mom not to adopt radioactive cats." I said. "But look what happened still." I laughed. "Hey, don't talk about my mom that way. I love her." He said, trying to look serious. And failing terribly because he started laughing again.

He sat on his bed and took a deep breath.

"So, what brings you here?"

"I wanted to hang out with you for a while." I replied. "Really?" Bose asked. "Yeah, man." I sat on the bed right next to him. "Look, I know we haven't spent a lot of time together in a while and we're both really busy, living double lives and all that. And don't even get me started on the extra bossy girls we work with." I rolled my eyes saying that last part and Bose laughed again. I continued. "But believe it or not, you're actually one of my best friends. And if we have to say goodbye, I want to do it with fun memories to look back on." Bose looked emotional for a second but then he just smiled gave me a big warm hug which I melted into, 'cause this might be the last time.

Then he got up and headed to the door. "Mom, I know I should be packing but is it okay if I hang with Mikes for a while?!" He called down the stairs.

"Sure thing sweetie!"

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