Chapter 5

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"You'll never catch me!" Jeff yelled, running through the streets of Swellview, Danger Force in pursuit.

He had stoled a big spade from farmer Nate. Why? He wanted to use it to open a soda bottle.

"Jeff, I command you to halt!" ShoutOut yelled.

"No!" Jeff stuck his tongue out at her and kept running.

"Why couldn't he just open the bottle with his teeth?" AWOL asked, out of breath from running.

"'Cause he's an idiot. And that's coming from me." Brainstorm said. "We need to corner him somehow so we can get farmer Nate's spade back." Volt suggested. "Let's split up." ShoutOut said and the team split in different directions.

While running, ShoutOut tried to contact Ray but again she was sent to voicemail the same way she had been when Jeff had first run past them while they were feeding the pidgeons.

Farmer Nate had been after him yelling to have his spade back so they knew Jeff had stolen it and they had to catch him.

But Ray wasn't there and Mika couldn't reach him.

"I hope whatever he's doing right now is worth not being her to help us." ShoutOut said, making a mental note to scold Ray when they get back to the Man's Nest later.


Brainstorm managed to catch up to Jeff and chased him into a parking lot. But he lost sight of him when he hid behind one of the cars.

"Okay, where are you, you stupid nincompoop."

He searched around the parking lot, walking past various cars trying to find him.

"Jeff! Jeff!"

"Jeff's not here..."

Brainstorm facepalmed at Jeff's stupidity.

"And I thought I was really dumb."

He followed the sound of Jeff's voice and finally noticed his hair poking out from behind a car a few feet away from him. "I can see you." Brainstorm said. "No you can't." Jeff stupidly answered. "Okay, I'm taking you to jail." Brainstorm said, stepping towards him. "Oh, no you don't! Stand back!" Jeff broke into the car which already had it's keys in and started it. Brainstorm watched, baffled.

"What kind of an idiot leaves their car keys in?!"

Jeff started pulling out.

"Don't you dare steal that car, Jeff!"

"Sorry, already stole it. Haha!" Jeff looked down at the wheel and controls.

"Now how do I work this thing."

"You don't know how to drive?! Jeff, you're gonna kill yourself!" Brainstorm said.

"That is none of your business!"

Jeff began driving away. Brainstorm looked at the ground and saw the spade.

He picked it up. "He left the spade. That idiot." Then he jumped at the sound of a loud crash.

Jeff had crashed into a wall and was now speeding down the street, screaming loudly.

"Oh, my God!" Brainstorm yelled.

He dropped the spade and ran after him. "Jeff! Hang on!" Out of the parking lot he ran into Volt and almost  knocked her over.

"Did you find Jeff? Where's farmer Nate's spade?" She asked, unaware of the new situation.

"Volt! Jeff broke into a car and now it's over speeding!"

"What?! Why can't he just stop it?" Volt asked. "He can't drive!" Brainstorm said. "Oh, my God!" The two of them zipped down in pursuit of the car Jeff was in ShoutOut and AWOL spotted then further down and caught up to them.

"What's going on?!" ShoutOut asked, running with them.

"Jeff's about to die!" Volt said. "What?!" AWOL asked.

"No time to explain. We gotta stop that car!" Brainstorm said.

Once again, ShoutOut tried Ray's number. Voicemail. "Ugh! Where is that dude when you need him!" She said.

"It looks like we're going to have to handle this one on our own." Volt said.

Then her eyes widened. "Oh, no, look!" The team gasped as they realized Jeff was heading straight for a cliff.

"We gotta do something!" AWOL said.

Brainstorm stopped in his tracks, enabling the others to surpass him. They stopped too.

"Brainstorm, what are you doing?!" ShoutOut asked.

Brainstorm placed all his concentration on the moving car and then he held out his arms. "He's trying to use his powers." Volt realized.

Speechlessly, they watched Brainstorm try and slow down the speeding car with great difficulty.

They could see how much effort he was using by the veins that had appeared on his neck.

They decided to give him some motivation.

"You go, Brainstorm!"

"You can do it!"

"We believe in you!"

When Jeff noticed the car was slowing down he finally stopped screaming.

It was only at the near edge before it finally stopped. Jeff scrambled out of that car faster than he had ever done anything else in his life.

Brainstorm collapsed from exhaustion and his friends were at his side in an instant.

"That was awesome, buddy." AWOL said, patting his back.

Brainstorm gave him a weak smile. "I am so proud of you." ShoutOut said. "Are you okay?" Volt asked. He nodded, still too tired to speak. They all looked up when they heard a childish cry. It was Jeff. "I can't believe I almost went over a cliff! Couldn't you have stopped the car sooner?! You call yourselves superheros! I'm calling my mommy and telling her everything!"

He tried to stomp off but Volt stopped him, her hands sparking. "Or, you can thank Brainstorm for saving your life, you ungrateful pig!" She said.


"Why would you get into a car if you don't know how to drive? That's the stupidest thing ever. You are a pig!" ShoutOut said.

"Yeah, a very ugly pig!" AWOL added. Now, Brainstorm was still exhausted but he couldn't help laughing at his friends calling Jeff a pig. "Alright." Jeff said, edging away from Volt a bit.

"Alright, I'll thank him."

He moved close to Brainstorm. "Hey, buddy. Thanks for saving me back there."

Brainstorm barely nodded. "He is not your buddy." ShoutOut said.

"Now, scram." AWOL added.

Jeff turned to leave. "And.." Volt said, stopping him. "Give Farmer Nate his spade back." She said.

"But how am I going to open my soda bottle?"

"USE YOUR TEETH!" They all yelled at him. Except Bose. He was too weak to yell. "Fine!" Jeff said, huffing as he took out his phone and dialed a number while walking away.


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