Chapter 9.

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Chapa's POV.

When I saw that look on Bose's face I instantly knew I was about to whipped into doing something I wouldn't be caught dead doing.

Like visiting a petting zoo or joining a knitting club or something.

What I didn't expect though, was to be whipped into volunteering at a library to read storybooks for kids. I didn't even know Bose ever visited the library!

But apparently he's pretty poluar here, seeing as how the kids nearly pinned him down when they pounced on him when we walked in. Geuss they're really excited to hear the story.

It was definitely not my comfort zone so I was the slightest bit uncomfortable. There's also the fact that I'm scared to death of children.

What? They have large bug eyes and a creepy habit of staring directly into your soul. Like they're judging your entire life or something. Can you blame me?

"Hey guys, ready for another story?" Bose asked. With the level of his excitement, one would think he was among the giddy kids about to be read a story and not the storyteller himself.

Typical Bose.

I'm probably going to need new eardrums after this because I fear my present ones are about to be shattered by the excited shrieking of these kids.

"Okay, okay." Bose said to calm them down. It didn't work.

I was seriously considering running for my life when Bose grabbed my arm and pulled me towards them.

"Guys, this is my friend Chapa."

As if they had rehearsed, they all gave me simultaneous greetings.

So. Many. Children. Must. Not. Panick.

"She's going to join us for storytime today." Bose continued.

Then they all just stared at me with their giant bug eyes.

Okay, so I might be exaggerating a little with the 'bug eyes' expression but tell me I'm the only one who's ever wondered why the eyes of a child are so big.

They probably expected me to say something...

"Um...Hey." I waved slowly.

"Yay!" They all cheered. "Story time! Story time! Story time!"

Bose led the kids to a nearby bookshelf, exciting them even further by suggesting they read 'the usual'

I spotted the librarian walking up to me and put on a polite smile. "They get like this all the time." She said. "Everytime they see him."

"How often does he do this?" I asked her. "Oh, Bose volunteers here every weekend. He loves hanging out with them." She replied. "Maybe even more than I do." She joked before walking off.

I looked over at where Bose was helping a little girl grab the book they would be reading on the highest part of the shelf by lifting her by the waist. Once she retrieved it, the rest of them - including Bose started cheering like she was a commerade who had accomplished an assigned mission or something. I actually smiled watching them.

Then I quickly stopped before anyone saw me.

Turns out, 'the usual' is The Three Little Pigs as I read from the big hard cover of the book Bose had handed over to me. "Really?" I asked.

"Honestly, I don't get it either." He laughed. "But they really love it." He looked over at the kids who were now happily settled and ready for storytime to begin. So did I. "It's like, they're ultimate favourite." he said.

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