3 • Cigarettes

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Listening to music, I heard the door begin to open. I quickly took my earbuds out and sat up.

I didn't expect anyone coming in the trailer till nine so I'd probably messed up the form for my employment. "Goddamn it."

The door opened, "What did I do?"

It was him. It was Tom. I was breathing the same air as Tom fucking Hardy. I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth.

He laughed. "I know I'm very hot but you don't have to be at a loss for words. You'll boost my ego too much."

And it was true. He was so fucking hot.

"Hi," I said sheepishly.

"Hi," he replied. "I'm Tom, what's your name?"

"Y/n, my name's Y/n."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled his signature smile.

For a minute I had forgotten my job. "Fuck, sorry do you want anything? Shit, sorry didn't mean to swear and again. Sorry."

He laughed. "You can swear around me it's okay, say what ever the fuck you want. And I'm okay for food but I could go for a tea maybe."

"Okay," I loosely nodded. I stayed seated for a couple seconds trying to get to understand what was actually happening.

"I've never had anyone be this discombobulated around me."

I got up from my seat and went over to the kettle, flicking the switch, "Sorry, you're just incredible, you're probably the best actor of your generation, I just— right nah I'm sorry, okay moment over, I just— oh my god." I put my hands on the counter. "Sorry okay I'm done."

"You're adorable," he chuckled. He sat on the chair opposite me. "So, Y/n, what do you do?"

"I'm your runner," I replied quietly.

He laughed. "No, I mean what do you do outside of this, you can't be my runner forever."

"Oh. I go to university here in London, I study film." If I'm being honest I didn't expect him to show any interest in me or anything I had to say. I've seen him in interviews and he's so kind, but I'm a silly little nineteen year old from [where ever your from].

The kettle stopped boiling and I poured him a tea.

"Here's a question—" he started before someone came to the door.

"Tom your needed in makeup."

"Yeah okay. Yeah, here's a question, what in the film industry do you want to go into?"

"Oh, probably screenwriter."

"Nice," he nodded. "Maybe you could um give me a script of yours sometime I'd love to read it."

"Really?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Right, I'll take that, come on let's go." He took the tea out of my hands and winked at me.

When we turned around my eyes widened and I laughed, I was annoyed at myself of how turned on I was for a simple wink.


It wasn't long before Tom was done with makeup and we went to wardrobe. He was playing Reggie first, but I honestly didn't know much about the Kray twins so I didn't know which one was which.

"Do you mind if I go for a smoke? You don't need anything for the next five minutes do you?"

"You smoke? Wow." He smiled and nodded his head.

"I don't have to, like if it bothers you or anything."

"Oh no it's fine I'll be out in a minute actually." He pulled out a vape from his pocket. "I need to get dressed anyway." He got up from his chair and looked over to Kate, the costume designer.

She nodded.

"I tried vaping, I couldn't do it."

"It's not for everyone darling." He gave a quick grin before I left the trailer.

As I stepped down and closed the door my hands went to my face. I'm such a fucking idiot. Oh yeah take a runner job they said. It'll be fun they said. Shit, do I have daddy issues?

I'm so stupid.

I reached in my pocket and grabbed my cigarettes and lighter. I lit and inhaled, taking it in for around ten seconds.

"Ah, that's better," I exhaled.

It wasn't long before I heard the door behind me.

I turned.

Oh my god.

My mouth was agape.

I blinked a couple times to try take in what I was seeing.

"You're so fucking hot."

A smile emerged on his face which he tried to hide by biting his lip. Which honestly just made it worse for me.

"Did I just say that out loud?"

He nodded, the smile still present, "you did."

"Okay so I'm gonna go jump off a building, bye." I began walking away.

"No, no, no," he said, grabbing my hand to pull me back. "At least give me a puff of your cigarette." He gave me a large grin.

"You're literally smoking in this scene, why can't you wait twenty minutes?"

He paused for a second, "I can't wait."

"Okay sure," I said passing him my half smoked cigarette.

He took a puff. "How old are you Y/n?"

"Um." The telling Tom my age will probably repulse him from me, but let's be honest we'll probably never talk again after this movie. "19."

"Shit," he mumbled.



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