chapter 60

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"Guyz.... This time our gig's gonna go interesting in Shibuya!"

Mitsuya smiled realizing that's he was just about to loose his self in giving out this good news to the rest of the boys. And why would he even control about, deep inside the surprises he is feeling right now...they are multiple at his every breath. He is trembling a whole, trying to still process this good news he has obtained from so many years. It was so much thanks to the managers asking the ticket sellers to provide their information which was up to the name or the person to the email id of the concerned. It's definately not that their manager never knew about this alphas history, so it was obvious the latter would send the required important information to the latters whether it was a work related info or personal related matter. To speak from the managers side, there the concerned definately has a reason to contact Mitsuya first rather than the rest of the boys, cause the latter better knew that the others would cause a ruskus due to overexcitment to see their lover.

"You sound as if you have planned something..."
Mikey spoke, giving not much attention to what the latter spoke. Well he doesn't care about anything right now. In the world for now, all he wants is to find takemichi and as a work aim, find out about Brahmans secret Princess. Until it's this goal that he accomplishes, there's nothing else seeming fun in the world. Mikey would still remember feeling so miserable that day when he heard about Takemichi not attending the school and was to be found nowhere in the village either. It felt like, Mikeys heart was broken into pieces during that time. Everytime he reflected on himself questioning, where was it...that he went wrong for his Mitchy to leave him, day after day, everyday... Mikey's eyes remained shaded black due to lack of sleep from thinking about a certain someone. Out of all of his friends, Mikey was the last one to get out of his extreme mourning era towards his lover. After days he went on with performing and doing what he loved along with the others, with a determination to find the owner of the oceanic blue serene optics that drove him crazy the first time he layed his eyes on. And he is alongside proud of himself for the wilpower he has inorder to find his Mitchy.

"Plan...huh....yeah.... But i bet we all will love this"
With a slight giggle on his calm face, with thoughts about how his michi would look like after such a long time, will the boy have the same lamely coloured blond hair? Will his voice sound as angelic like before? Has he grown even a inch yet? What about his blue orbs that shine the brightest even in the darkest situation, will they have the same glittery shine as before? Or has he changed to someone more different, but whatever it is...are they all willing to except the change their lover gonna appear with? But mitsuya will, he doesnt know how others would react, but he definately will accept takemichi now matter how different he looks now.

After thinking about this for a while, arriving to various confusing conclusion, the levender haired alpha walked from his spot leaving the keyboard alone. Everyone again gazed at the man's certain reaction which seemed unreadable, Mikey almost thaught that he was angry but suddenly as if the levender eyed man had foreseen this, the latter turned to face his commander with a gentle smile, assuring everything was fine.
"Just want some drinks...should I get for ya fellas too?"
Baji stood first to ask mitsuya to get him one followed by chifuyu, while they still played with the tambourine. Then was again an awkward silence that would never exist between best friends, until after a little hesitance draken spoke to get him and mikey one too. Mistuya nodded and checked on kazutora who then flinched when the levender eyes gazed him, as if mitsuya was about to catch the crime the latter had committed secretly.

"And kazutora...why not accompany me to the store?"
Kazutora with a straight face nodded and stood from his chair keeping away the electric guitar and walking to the alpha that demanded his company. After a silent 'lets go', they both started walking out of the practice room leaving back the rest of them. After a little steps away from the room, mitsuya stopped leaving kazutora in a buffled position. Turning back to see mitsuya who had his arms crossed with a smirk on his face.

"Still not gonna show it?..."
Mitsuya asked with a challenging look, warning the other man that if the latters will isn't happening than kazutora himself has to face the consequences. The alpha blushed a little and turned back raising up his white tshirt, displaying a tattooed takemichi name written in fantasy calligraphy at the middle of his back at his hips. Mistuya chucked before allowing the alpha to lower his shirt. After kazutor obeyed, he turned back to mitsuya with a hesitance.
"Please...keep this a secret until we find takemichi?"
Kazutora joined his both hands before talking with a display of a strong request. He has been missing takemichi for like every seconds of the days, just if kazutora doesn't talk much... It really doesn't mean that he isn't thinking about his mate. Every day looks gloomy without his sunshine with him. Mitsuya widened his eyes as if remembering something that seemed so urgent that he pulled kazutora along with him, running back through the corridor that leads to their bands practice room where rest of the alphas were there. The levender eyes boy barged in with his happy phormones growing the other alphas with a wide look. Mitsuya got in kazutora and stole off everyone's attention when the latter said that he got a plan for their gig concert in Shibuya, before allowing anyone to speak.

"How about...we perform the song that we played at the school festival for our takemichi!?"
The alphas looked in silence, so did chifuyu who had a little depressive face as if he was thinking something. Well mitsuya relaxed, happily standing straight, knowing what chifuyu was about to share through his realization.
""Something interesting at the concert...don't tell have already found takemichi???"

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