Chapter 5

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Chapter the 5th - Sharing the bed

Phil’s POV

I woke with a start, my eyes bleary from sleep. I blinked and tried to clear them before looking around. This wasn’t my room. There were no lions to be seen.  Suddenly I remembered the events of last night. As I recalled my nightmare a cold shiver ran down my spine. I shook it off and shyly peered over to see Dan’s face. It was so calm and serene in the hold of sleep.  I smiled and lay still for a long moment, relishing the fact that I was so openly allowed to stare at him whilst he slept so peacefully. It was an opportunity I got only very rarely. He was so beautiful with his chocolate brown hobbit-hair and eyes. I sighed, and was just about to reluctantly wake him when he grunted softly and rolled over, enclosing me in his arms.

I yelped as his grip tightened. I felt my heart thudding wildly in my chest at his touch. For a moment I allowed myself to be encircled in his arms, to pretend that we were a real couple, but then decided it was best for me to wake him up. I mean, it would be a bit awkward for him to wake with me just lying there smiling at him like an idiot. Although I knew I had to wake him, I allowed myself to lay in his arms for a few minutes, so warm and safe and happy.

Now I had to figure out how to get him up, which I imagined would be no easy feat. Dan was hard to wake up at the best of times, even when I could jump on him. But at the moment I was pinned to his side. I didn’t want to hurt him, so thrashing like a caught fish wasn’t an option.

How about shouting in his ear? It might leave him deaf, but it would definitely wake him up. I could kiss him… wait, what? No. Dan would freak right out. How did I even think of that? I shook my head, my hair flicking him in the face. He groaned and moved his head. An idea took shape within mine.

I lifted my head off the pillow as far as I could and snapped my head left to right, my straight black hair attacking Dan; he woke up with a sneeze. “Wazzat?” he asked groggily, opening his brilliant eyes a crack. He saw me trapped in his arms and was instantly wide awake. “I am so sorry Phil.” He said, releasing me from his arms. I forced a chuckle. “It’s alright. Thanks for letting me in,” I said, sitting up and stretching my stiff muscles. We sat there quietly for a long moment. The silence was deafening, so I decided to go before he felt obliged to say something. “I’m hungry. I’m going to get breakfast.” I continued, standing up and leaving the room before he could say a single word.

Dan’s POV

As Phil hurried out of the room and closed the door I rubbed my eyes and cursed under my breath. Why did I do that? I’d slept in the same bed as Phil before, but I had never hugged him like that. Perhaps it had to do with my dream last night… what was I dreaming about? I sat up and rested my chin on my fist as I furrowed my brow with thought. Then it hit me: I had been dreaming about Phil. Why Phil? Why my lion-loving roommate? Why my best friend? Did I still think of him as that? What was going on? I groaned and buried my head in my hands – too many questions for this hour of the morning. I contemplated going back to sleep; I toyed with the idea for a long minute before deciding to go out and into the kitchen to meet Phil.

I stumbled out into the bright light towards the kitchen, where the smell of toast was wafting from. I groaned again, as I had been doing that a lot this morning, and walked to the toaster. Phil laughed and put his dishes in the sink, before going to the couch and clicking on the TV. I fixed myself some toast, then went and plopped on the couch beside him. We sat there in an awkward silence for a little, before I took the initiative to talk. “Hey Phil, about this morning…” I began, but Phil cut in. “Dan, seriously, its fine. You didn’t know you were doing it. You were asleep. Don’t worry. Consider us even.” He said. He had probably been working on that since he left my room. “OK Phil, thanks.” I said, and I went back to my toast. I didn’t know what I was feeling, but I was just happy to know that Phil and I were cool again.

I am so sorry, I forgot completely about wattpad for a while there. Thanks for all the support, reads, votes and comments. You guys are amazing! I really hope you enjoy!

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