Chapter 4

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CHAPTER 4 – The movies

Dan's POV

'See you later Danosaurs and Phillions!' I said with a wink, rolling out of the camera shot and straight into Phil's bed. 'Ow!' I exclaimed, rubbing a hand through my hair. 'What is your bed made of?' I asked Phil with a chuckle. Phil shrugged and turned to the camera, waved, and turned it off. 'Are you alright Dan?' he asked, a little concern creeping into his voice. I nodded and smiled. 'I'll be fine, now, are we going to go to see this movie or not?' I asked with a grin, getting to my feet and offering a hand to Phil. He grinned and nodded, accepting my hand and I helped him up with a mighty heave. I flashed him a smile and went off to my room to get ready.

***   ***   ***

Phil and I enter the cinema and walk to the front desk. 'So Phil, what do you wanna see?' I asked turning to the screen of movie times. Three films were showing soon; Promethius, Ice Age 4 and Dark Shadows. He looked at me and chewed his lip. The action made something stir inside me, a flutter, a whisper. I don't know what it was; as soon as I felt it, the feeling vanished. I shivered and turned back to Phil, who was looking at me with a small smile. I grinned. 'I'm guessing Promethius.' I said, opening my wallet and stepping up to the ticket booth. 'I can pay.' He piped up, but I waved my hand, dismissing the comment and ordering two tickets. I gave the check-out girl a wink and she blushed, but I turned back to Phil before she could utter a word. I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the usher, who ripper our tickets and pointed to cinema 4. We laughed at his stunned face as we entered the dim room and skipped up the stairs and chose a pair of seats towards the back of the cinema.

We were hysterical by the time we slid into the crimson velvet seats. 'What was that for?' Phil asked me in between fits of laughter. I was almost in tears by that point. It was good we were early and the cinema was empty, we could laugh like hyenas without any weird stares. 'She was flirting with me, I needed to stop that.' I said with a wink. He laughed, and it made me feel great. We eventually stopped laughing and took a deep breath, and it was then I realised that in our haste we had forgotten snacks and drinks. I pointed this out to Phil. 'I'll be back in a minute.' I said, beginning to stand. He shook his head and was on his feet in an instant. 'I'll get them.' He insisted, and then loped off and out the door. I shrugged and sank into my seat.

Phil's POV

It was time to admit it to myself. I was in love with Dan. There was no other excuse for the way I had been acting around him recently, the flickers of emotion permanently distracting every logical thought. I'd had a crush on him for ages, but this afternoon something shifted. I knew I loved him, but the question was, did he love me back? Should I tell him? Should I wait?? I sighed and shook my head, then I flashed the usher an awkward smile and walked to the snack bar. I quickly ordered two boxes of popcorn and two cokes. Just as I was about to pay I saw a bag of malteasers and decided to grab one of those too. I paid and walked back to the usher, showed him my ticket and entered the cinema once more. I grinned as I sat next to Dan, handing him his drink and popcorn. 'Meow.' I said, flicking a piece of popcorn into the air and attempting to catch it in my mouth. It bounced awkwardly off my nose and his Dan. 'Gahhhh, I'm wounded!' he shrieked, flailing his hands and sticking his tongue out. I laughed and threw another piece at his head. 'Look what I gooooot.' I said, pulling the malteasers out from my pocket. Dan's eyes grew wide and he did a little fan-girly dance. 'Are you serious?' he squeaked.

'Yup, here you go.' I replied, handing him the bag. As he ripped open the bag I lookeda round the cinema, which was still empty. The film had been running in the cinema for a while, so maybe everyone had already gone and seen it. I shrugged and waited for the film to begin.

*** *** ***

My heart pounded in my chest, blood rushed through my veins with a roar. I was panting and sweat dripped into my eyes. I held my fingers in front of my face, and even in the gloom I could see them trembling. Every time I closed my eyes I saw scenes from that stupid movie, applied to real life. It was so horrific and creepy... I shivered. There was no way I was going to sleep. I punched my pillow and felt it wet beneath my knuckles. I carefully touched my cheeks and felt tears slick on my skin. I wiped them with my sleeve and looked into the shadowy corners of my room, eyes flitting from the pools of darkness - nothing. But I couldn't sleep. Not now.

An idea flashed in my mind, probably the only thing that would quell my racing heart and relax my tightly knotted muscles. I needed Dan. I carefully stood from my bed and unwound the sheets that had become tangled from my violet thrashing and padded to my door. I opened it and softly walked to his room. Opening the door I peered inside. 'Dan.' I whispered, and saw him move slightly. 'Dan.' I tried a little louder. He woke with a start. 'Phil, what's wrong?' he asked groggily. I felt like a little kid again. 'I had a bad dream, a nightmare.' I replied, my voice shaking slightly. He was silent for a moment, but I saw the flash of his phone as he checked the time. 'Can you get back to sleep?' he asked finally. 'No, I've tried.' I said sheepishly.

'Come in then, it's 2 am. Let's try to get some sleep.'

I consented and climbed into the warm bed. Dan moved over and rolled onto his side. Before long his breathing slowed and he was once more a victim of slumber. I envied his easy relationship with sleep. I lay there for half an hour or so, staring at the white ceiling. Dan's presence comforted me. I felt that I could return to sleep without the threat of more nightmares. I placed my head upon the pillow and closed my eyes, a small smile curving upon my lips.

OK, that's the end of chapter 4! I have a million excuses for such a late post, but I will just go with a simple apology: I'm sorry. I'll try to start posting quicker. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! :D

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