Chapter ten

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No Closure

It had been two weeks since the whole "we're not friends anymore" thing with Rin. She still wasn't talking to me, which was to be expected. I seriously messed up. I was working my hardest to get her to talk to me again though, but still, nothing.

I did the thing I ultimately thought she'd appreciate the most— I ignored Kakashi. Didn't even give him the time of day. Whenever he was around I'd become selectively ignorant. And whenever Rin was there too (at training or if all three of us happened to see each other in the village at the same time) I would pretend I was disgusted by Kakashi, like he was the bane of my existence. Of course I didn't actually feel this way, in fact it was quite hard to act like this, but I had to do it to get my best friend back.

Although I tried and tried to force myself to actually go back to hating Kakashi, I just couldn't. I really had started to like him, and finding out he liked me too made me feel so good. But also guilty. I knew I'd be angry if he liked Rin, but I probably wouldn't be in all this drama with her. I wouldn't have had the guts to confront her over this if Kakashi pursued her. I would've just suffered in silence until I moved on.

It was a bright Wednesday morning when I got out of bed to get ready for training. Sunlight dazzled through my blinds, hurting my eyes. I woke up with a headache. Not the best way to start my morning. I knew why my head was hurting though. This whole Rin situation was stressing me out so much. I had barely been getting sleep and not eating as much. In turn, this caused me more problems than just a headache. I was tired, my body hurt, and I felt weak.

My dad wasn't helping me feel better at all. The week before, I had forgotten to take out some frozen chicken from the freezer and got my ass handed to me for being lazy. I didn't even have enough energy to cry or even wince as he hit me. He must've thought I was being oddly defiant by yawning in the middle of a beating because he hit me even harder afterwards.

I reflected on this as I got dressed. I now had more bruises on my abdomen and back than I could count.  Pushing the thought out of my head, I pulled on a baggy t shirt, some cargo pants, and my ninja sandals, before pulling my hair into a ponytail. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, and put ona watch before I left for training.

There were many people out and about in the village as I made my way to the training grounds. These people, specifically workers, were getting ready to start building and decorating around the village for the upcoming Lantern Festival. It wasn't for another three weeks or so, but Konoha always went all out.

I was the first one there at the training grounds. It had happened a few times, but it was still unusual. I was almost never the first person here. Sensei was always on time, and Rin always showed around the same time as him, then me, then Kakashi, then Obito...

Maybe I was super early without realizing? I checked the watch on my wrist. 6:45. Training usually started at 6:30. I'd never seen the others this late. Something felt... off, but I was feeling too poorly to do anything. Before long, I found myself passed out under the tree. It was around midday when I woke up. I was still completely alone in the training grounds. No one had ever come.

I still wasn't feeling well, but I pulled myself up and forced myself to walk home. The sun was blazing in the sky, making my pounding head feel even worse. My stomach rumbled a couple of times and soon began to be filled with sharp pains. I couldn't remember the last time I had eaten. But I knew I needed to eat now.

"Hi, what are we having today?" Mr. Teuchi asked as I sat down at his ramen shop.

"Pork shoyu please," I answered.

He held out his hand, patiently waiting for me to pay him. I reached around in my pockets and realized I didn't have anything.

"Never mind, I'm sorry-"

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2022 ⏰

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