Chapter one

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New team, who dis?

My father gripped my hand even tighter as we walked to the academy. It was the day I would finally become a genin. My dad wouldn't stop mumbling under his breath about how I took so long to promote. It's not my fault he graduated at 10, and I at 11.

"You didn't take after me in the slightest, huh?" He asked, yanking my wrist. "You know, if you walk faster, you'll get to become a genin faster."

I swear I heard him mumble, you're a disappointment, under his breath.

But I still kept a smile on my face. Nothing could ruin this day. I was gonna get to see all my friends, get a headband, and get assigned to a team. Not even my dad could mess that up for me.

We were getting closer to the Academy, and I could see everyone standing outside. No one had their parents with them except for you.

"Dadddd," I whined. "Let go of my hand." I attempted to break free but that man had a death grip on me.

"Stop acting out, (y/n), we're in public." He scolded me.

"Dad, no one else has their parents here." I complained.

"That's because no one else's parents care. Besides, I want to ensure you get the best Sensei."

I hated when he acted like he cared about my life. He could really care less. Every time we had an event for parents to come to at the academy, he never came. Or when I wanted to show him things I've learned, he'd say he was busy and ignore me. I didn't get why he cared so much today.

"(Y/n)!" I heard someone call my name.

I looked up to see my best friend, Rin running toward me as I reached the courtyard.

"I was starting to think you weren't coming!" She giggled.

"Me too," I mumbled, looking at my dad.

"(Y/n), do you wanna come with me and Obito to the swings while we wait for the academy to open?" Rin offered.

"Yeah!" I smiled. "Dad, can I?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No. You're gonna wait here with me until the Academy doors open." He said firmly.

"But Rin asked me-"

"I don't care what she asked," he said, looking distastefully at my friend. "You're staying right here. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," I sighed. I looked at Rin with apologetic eyes, mouthing the words, I'm sorry.

She shrugged with a slight smile and walked off.

The academy finally opened a minute later and everyone shuffled inside.

"Dad, you can go now," I whispered as we walked in.

"I'm not going just yet. I want to meet your new Sensei and possibly change your team depending on who it is."

He continued to hold my hand up until we reached the classroom where I slipped away and into a seat next to Rin and Obito far from the door.

"Hey, guys. What's up?" I asked as I sat down.

"Hey," Obito greeted me with a smile. "Why's your dad here?"

"I wish I knew the answer to that." You shrugged.

"Your dad's kind of scary, (y/n)," Rin whispered.

The three of us slowly turned my heads to look at my dad who was standing by the door. At the same moment his gaze shifted toward us, causing Rin to flinch and Obito to look away quickly. I simply rolled my eyes and faced forward.

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