Chapter five

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The one where we promoted

There was one room in my house that I was never allowed to go in. Ever. My dad had multiple locks on the door that kept it closed off to anyone but him. I always wondered what was in there, though. He told me it was his second office, with his more important documents. What kind of documents, I wondered.

A day before the chunin exams, I found my father leaving his so-called second office, looking incredibly stressed with a fat stack of papers in his hands. He sat down at the dining room table and sighed.

"(Y/n)," He said before I was even fully in the room. I gasped because I didn't even realize he saw me. He had never looked up from those papers.

"Yes, dad?" I asked softly, going up to the table beside him.

"I regret to inform you that I'll be leaving on a mission tomorrow and will be gone for a week or so."

Regret to inform you, was apparently a grown up and insincere way of him saying sorry. I hated when he said stuff like that, it felt like he was distancing himself from me.

"Okay," I responded.

"While I'm gone you are not to have anyone over, be out past five p.m unless you're doing something for the exams, or spend more than the money I'll leave for you. Understood?"

I nodded quickly. "Yes, sir."

"Good," He said, going back to his work.

"Okay, I have to go to training now," I told him. He thought it was rude when I just walked off without telling him where I was going or what I was doing.

He nodded without even a glance up.

I walked to the front of the house and put on my shoes by the door before leaving. My teammates were all at the training grounds as I got there, except for Obito.

"Hey, (y/n)," Rin said, waving me over.

"Hey, Rin. What's up?" I asked, excited to see her.

"Not much. Sensei says we're waiting on Obito. You know how he's always late," She laughed.

"And it's annoying," Kakashi chimed in.

"Be nice, he probably had something to do before training.

Obito came about ten minutes later and Kakashi sighed in  frustration. "I doubt he was doing anything important before coming here. He just likes to waste our time," He huffed in annoyance.

"Hey, guys," Obito started. "Sorry I'm late, there were these old ladies and-"

"Save it," Kakashi interrupted.

"Okay, so we're finally all here!" Sensei announced happily."As you all know, the exams are tomorrow, so you'll need to continue with training today for a few hours, then you'll go home and rest to reserve energy," He told us.

We nodded and went straight to training. Two weeks ago after working with Kakashi on my chakra control, I've become much better at walking on water and climbing trees.

"Woah, good work there, (y/n)!" Minato-Sensei exclaimed as I climbed a tree using only chakra.

"Yeah, when'd you learn to do that?" Obito asked from beside me, startling me.

"Ahh! When'd you get here?" I screamed, almost falling out of the tree.

He gave a mischievous laugh. "That's for me to know and for you to find out."



"I don't think you used that saying correctly."

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