Chapter two

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Part of the team

I couldn't help but feel bad as my dad poured me a big bowl of cereal early the next morning since Minato told us not to eat breakfast.

I ate as much as I could before I threw the rest in the trash can.

"Are you wasting food in my house?" My dad's voice boomed through the kitchen.

"I-I wasn't that hungry," I said timidly.

"You know what? I do so much for you, and this is how you always act. Take the lid off that trashcan right now," he demanded pointing to the trash.

I hesitantly did as told, picking up the lid and placing it on the floor. I stared at the cereal and milk I poured in there.

"Now eat it."

I stared at my dad with wide eyes.


"Eat. It. Now," he commanded.

He was so cruel sometimes.

"Dad, I'm not gonna–"

"I SAID EAT IT, DAMN IT," He yelled, slamming his fist on the counter. "IF YOU DON'T DO IT RIGHT NOW I'LL KICK ANOTHER HOLE IN YOUR ASS."

I quickly reached into the trashcan, grabbing the pieces of soggy cereal and put some in my mouth. I wiped away the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"Swallow it."

I did.

"I-I'm gonna be late," I stammered.

"You can go now. And stop your crying or I'll give you another reason to cry about."

"Yes, sir." I bowed quickly before leaving. Right when my foot crossed the threshold I started running as fast as I could, all the way to the training grounds.

"(Y/n), you're late," Minato-Sensei smiled.

"Yeah, why is that?" Rin asked all concerned.

"Oh, um. Something with my dad," I said quietly.

"Your dad is Ibiki Morino right?" Minato asked.

I nodded my head a little.

"Hmm. Well if you're anything like your father, this'll make for an interesting challenge today," he chuckled.

"Challenge? I thought it was a test?" Obito asked.

Kakashi, from under a tree, said, "Are you dumb or stupid? I'm guessing both. The challenge is our test."

"Oh, leave him alone you baka," I said, rolling my eyes.

"What? I'm just saying. You probably didn't know either," he chuckled coldly.

"Don't make me rip that mask off and–" Obito started before he was interrupted by Kakashi.

"And what? You won't even be able to touch me." He retorted.

"Guys, calm down," Minato chuckled.

"Yeah, we're all friends here!" Rin agreed.

I took a deep breath and turned my back to Kakashi.

"Okay, are we all ready to start the challenge?" Minato-Sensei asked once we all quieted down.

"Hell yeah!" Obito cheered, earning a stern look from our sensei.

And me being the competitive little shit I am, I said, "Fuck yeah!"

Obito grinned at me. "Hell fuck yeah!"

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