An Uneventful Night

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Your POV

It all happened so fast. No words can describe everything that went on my mind. Especially with the current situation that I was in. Time was against me, even the universe. Everything I knew and cared about was gone. My parents, my brother, my friends.. Everyone I have known throughout my life was forever gone. They were just old memories now. I didn't know how to get back home and I didn't know where I am or who could I have turned to for help. It was terrifying. I should be happy now that I got what I asked for, right? Guess not.

The last thing that I can remember was a bright light emerging out of my screen when I was in bed and then it all went pitch black. While I temporarily lost my sight, I felt the cold air brushing through me, like I was falling into an endless abyss. I tried to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings, but all I saw above me was the stars. It was so strange. I thought I was having another silly dream. It's common to sometimes fall for a long time in yoir dreams right?That was before I quickly lost consciousness and went into a deep sleep.

"..miss..? ..Miss... can you hear me..?"

"Oh, thank goodness! Are you feeling alright, Miss?" The nurse then looks at the doctor and nods

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"Oh, thank goodness! Are you feeling alright, Miss?" The nurse then looks at the doctor and nods.

What the..

"Hello there young lady, I'm Dr. Yun and you are currently in the hospital." The doctor stood by my side, "What's your name?"

I looked on my right hand and noticed my index finger was attacked and plugged to a heart monitor.

Hospital? How the hell did I end up in a hospital!?

"..What happened to me?" I asked, "H-How did I get here? Why am I here?"

"We'll get to that soon, but do you remember who you are?" He then ask, "Do you have any relatives that we can contact? Do you have a name?"

This doesn't make any sense.. What the fuck happened to me!?

"Miss?" He tries to catch my attention, "Are you alright?"

"I.. I think my mother will be easier to contact." I tries sitting up and hissed in pain. I slowly raised my hand and placed it on my head. There were bandages and I asked the doctor with worry, "Did I fall off of something? D-Did I hit my head or did I get into an accident?"

"It would seem like you've gotten yourself into an horrific incident. Although we weren't given a specific answer of what exactly happened. But it was quite the fall you had before someone came in time to save you." Dr. Yun says, "Now, let's just try to give you a few test runs and then you can get some rest. Are you allergic to anything?"

I shook my head.

"Are you prescribed to any medications that we need to know about?" He writes on his clipboard.

"No." I said, "Can I call my parents? To let them know that I'm alright. Something isn't right.."

"In time, Miss." He says, "First, we need to make sure that everything in your body is functioning well. Your head injury seems to be just to only thing we need to look out for, so don't worry."

LET ME OUT (Yandere Bakugo × Reader) ASYLM AUWhere stories live. Discover now