Going for a Walk

785 45 46

Your POV

"Tsu, do you have any ones?" Uraraka asks while holding her deck of cards.

"Hmm.. go fish." Tsu said while looking at her next cards. She then turns her head and asks Mina, "Mina, you got any threes?"

"Uh.. nope! Go fish!" She happily squealed and then asks me, "L/n! Do you have any fours?"

"Uh, let me see.." I switched each card in my deck and pulled one out, "Yup. Here you go."

"Ah! Yes!" She swipes the card away from me and places down her matching pair on the table, "Keep going, I think I'm winning this time!"

"Alright." I cleared my throat and asked Uraraka, "Hey Uraraka, you got any twos?"

"Hm. Go fish." She says with a smile.

"Dang." I said while grabbing a new card from the stack.

I'm really bad at this.

I looked at my cards and glanced at my bracelet. It me a little curious, I started to subtlely look at everyone's bracelet. They all had green stickers on them. A part of me was relieved and another part had me worried for a second.

I guess I shouldn't worry so much while being here now that I'm in a group. I just have to gain their trust for now and later on, I'll need to lay out a plan to get out of here.

"Hey, what do you preferred to be called? L/n or Y/n?" Tsu asks me out of the blue.

"Huh? Oh." I then realized and said, "I guess I prefer to be called, Y/n. You guys can all me that if you're comfortable enough though. I don't mind if you stick with L/n."

"I like Y/n! It's so much better and cuter!" says Mina. She then sings my name, "Y/n, Y/n, Y/n~!"

Uraraka laughs and Tsu smiled while I snickered a little.

"Is my name really that nice to hear?" I lightly joked.

"It is a lovely name." Uraraka complimented, "I like Y/n."

"Heh, aw shucks.." I felt flattered.

"I can't wait to get to know you more, Y/n!" Mina says excitedly, "I hope we become awesome friends!"

"Aw, thanks." I smiled, "I think you and I will get along just fine."

We both giggled.

"Hey, keep it down will ya!?"


"Shut up! I'm making a new friend here!" Mina shouts at the other patient who yelled at her.

It made me jump a little from her sudden mood change.

I definitely need to be careful around her.

"Mina! If you keep acting up like this, I'm sending you back to your room." The nurse warns her.

She rolls her eyes at the nurse before smiling at the rest of us, "Let's go outside! I'm bored now!"

"Bored? Already?" Uraraka then looks at the hourglass and saw that it ran out of sand, "Oh. I guess the game's over then."

"Let's count how many pairs we've made so far." said Tsu.

We all counted. So far, Mina has eight matching pairs. Uraraka had five and Tsu got six. I had three.

"I guess I'm in last place." I shrugged with a small chuckle.

"Yes! I win!" Mina pumps her fist in the air.

"Well done, Mina!" Uraraka supported her victory and said, "That was a good game we had."

"I almost caught up to her." Tsu said and placed her cards down, "Maybe next time, we can play a little longer. Hopefully I'll win next game."

LET ME OUT (Yandere Bakugo × Reader) ASYLM AUWhere stories live. Discover now