New Neighbors

442 27 35

Your POV

"Now, now, dear.. I'm almost done." Dr. Yun examines the blood bag that was nearly full.

I couldn't move. Not just because I was restrained but also the fact that blood was being taken out of me. Again. And I was back at the lab. Again.

That night, when the guards brought in new patients onto the same floor with us, Dr. Yun confirmed us as highly dangerous. We were then labeled with red stickers on our hospital bracelet. Aside from our friends, other patients were influenced by the disturbance and acted out as well. So they also suffered the same consequences. The floor was now called the Red Floor. Uncreative, but Dr. Yun has decided to call our floor that since we're going to be isolated from outside the building and everyone on the bottom floor. Each room was set in pairs of patients.

Uraraka and Tsu were placed in room #05.

Mina and Jiro were placed in room #11.

Kirishima and someone with green curly hair were placed in room #07.

Sero and Denki were placed in room #09.

Bakugo and I remained in room #03.

About three more pairs of patients were set into their assigned room, also labeled. Rooms #15, #19, and #23.

We were more strictly timed for our meals, our showers, our restroom breaks, and even for our medication that they give us to keep us calm. They ensure that we all take it. Even if it means forcing it down our throats.  It's already been a nightmare since I came here. But now it's gone to hell and worse because of this doctor who calls quirks a devil's curse. That's why he needed me. Taking more of my DNA since I was considered quirkless. A human with no gifted abilities. I only wondered how many quirkless people like me had died from these experiments. Or how long have these people gotten away with it.

Now, it just leads to another question. How many more facilities are there with entrapped victims like us? Both quirk and quirkless people are being used and abused as tested animals. Who's in charge of this whole organization of eliminating quirks? And why force to revert change into their once humble society?

Bakugo was right. We can't trust anyone here.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep ourselves away from those who's suffering like we are right now. All the abuse that he's endured. He doesn't have to be alone.

And I'll make sure that everyone gets the justice that they deserve.

"Ah, there we go. That wasn't so bad now, was it?" Dr. Yun removed his gloves before snapping his fingers at the guards.

My eyes were halfway open from the large blood transfer that was taken out of my body. My breathing was shallow, and my head was fuzzy. Everything was foggy.

The restraints were removed, and the iv tube was carefully taken out until the guards had me drink a cup of water before placing me back on the wheelchair.

"It's going to be a bumpy ride for you, Miss L/n."

I was being taken back to the room. I was too exhausted physically and mentally drained to even give him a glare when I left the lab and was escorted back.

Bakugo was in the room sitting on the bed, waiting for me to return. He wondered if I was dead or not this time. If not, then I'll be considered lucky to live another day or stupid to not want out of this miserable life. There have been multiple suicide attempts in this facility among the patients, and only a few succeeded. He didn't want to end his life, though. No. He thought that it was the most weak-minded thing for him to think. Why? Because he's not a quitter or a coward. Even if his life is a living hell, it's still his life. Killing himself would only make them right.

LET ME OUT (Yandere Bakugo × Reader) ASYLM AUWhere stories live. Discover now