Lab Experiment

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Your POV

"Ugh.." I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes and sighed, "Where.. Where am I..? Wha-" I tried to move, but I couldn't. I felt my wrists and ankles being restrained. I tried to move my head. I couldn't move my head either. Wait a second.. I can't see. Why can't I see? Am I blind? Did someone just put on some sort of head cover that covers my eyes? Do I have bandages? I froze with fear. I began to panic and slightly hyperventilate. I tried to move myself again, "Wh-Why can't I move..? Why can't I see!? Hello!? Is somebody there?!"


I softly gasped and stopped moving. I felt some small relief, but I felt cautious to who answered me. Is it a guard? A nurse? A doctor? Or..


"Oi. Are you deaf or can you not hear me?"


"Answer me, dammit."


I nervously gulped and asked, "Wh-Where are we..?"


"We're at the lab."


"Lab?" I started to feel more nervous as I continued, "..A-Are you stuck like this too, or can you see?"


"..I can see just fine."


"Are you.. Are you that patient?" I asked him, "Th-The one who fought all those guards."

".. Obviously, you idiot. Who are you? A dumbass?"

"..I have a name, you know." I was offended by his insult and grew a defensive tone, "..It's Y/n."


"Y/n? That's a stupid name. And you're not from here like you said you were. Are you?"


"No. I'm not from here." I said to him and then asked, "Your name is Bakugo? Right? That would be your last name to say first, right?"


"Way to point out the obvious, genius." He tsked.


"..I was just asking." I huffed at him.

I felt that he was rolling his eyes, "Well, you've got dumbass questions."


I sighed with some frustration, "Look. Can you please tell me what happened to us? Do you remember anything at all before getting the syringe?"


He clicked his tongue and said, "All I heard was your dumbass screaming. Then everything went black. And here we are."


".. Did anything happen when you woke up first?" I ask him.


"Yeah." He didn't sound happy.


I was beginning to feel more afraid if I asked, but still, I asked him,".. What happened?"


"..They took some of your blood. While they were doing that.. I was getting shock therapy by that asshole." He seems to get more angry as he explains.

"..Dr. Yun." I put the obvious piece together.

"Exactly." I heard him growled a bit, "I swear that I'm gonna kill that bastard the first chance I get!"

LET ME OUT (Yandere Bakugo × Reader) ASYLM AUWhere stories live. Discover now