Yashiro meets a ghostly boy called hanako in the hopes to have her wish granted... but things take a different turn, the unexpected occurs, she finds her falling in-love with him, little does she know he feels the same way..
"I haveee" "GO ON!!" "Well... uhhh... a book of LOVE POEMS!" "Stop with these fluffy wholesome attacks dont you have anything better HMPH!" "WAIT STOP UHHH JUST WELL I- As hanako rummaged through his pockets a pouch dropped to the ground and made a tinkling sound. "Hey hanako, what are these?" "Oh those are mermaid scales! Anyone who swallows them will be cursed... they are also used for matchmaki- "MATCHMAKING!?" Yashiro dug through the pouch and grabbed one of the scales and held it to her mouth.... in it went *gulp* "NO YASHIRO WHAT PART OF DONT SWALLOW IT OR YOULL BE CURSED WAS UNCLEAR!" Hanako writhed and wriggled as he panicked midair. "I DONT MIND! if minamoto will like me back.. then I DONT CARE IF IM CURSED! You had the right items this whole time... hanako.. you.. YOURE NOTHING BUT AN EVIL LIAR!!" Yashiro held the scales tightly in her hands as she dashed off to find minamoto. Hanako was left standing alone, he felt bad. *i have to stop the mermaid before she takes her.. i have to stop her before she turns into a fish!!!* hanako was finally surging with determination as he chased after yashiro.
After finally catching up with nene hanako stood and glanced at her as she sat behind a bush observing minamoto talking to a friend "So about that girl teru," "What about her?" "You love her right?" "Haha yeah. I hope I'll marry her someday." Just that was enough to break yashiro. "So this... is it. I got cursed for nothing?.. i should have expected this.. im so selfish i- As tears fell down her face scales began to form all over her body, "Huh.. what.. i... hanako? Help..HELP!"
Before she knew it... she was inside what looked like and WAS a fish bowl, with hanakos face staring right at her. "You're lucky i saved you there, i told you theres a curse!" "PLEASE CHANGE ME BACK ILL DO ANYTHING PLEASE!!" Yashiro pleaded and pleaded to him. *RUUUMMMBLLLEEEE* The ground began to shake in the empty classroom as suddenly a giant grotesque mermaid appeared through the ground "Iiivvveeee comeee toooo colllect my serrrvannntttt" the mermaids words were long and made nene shiver "Now now, I haven't finished my business here yet, so if you could kindly wait" "HOWWWW DDDDAAAREEE YOUUUUU" The mermaid swung her huge tail in hanakos direction to which he quickly and surely dodged it in response. "I warned you, but now it has to be this way" Nene had never seem someone become so serious and stern as what hanako was at this moment... the battle began. Hanako revealed a clever from is old uniform and extended the arm which held it.
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And just like that, the blade pierced the mermaids skin..
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