Chapter 2: The Old Building

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*faint footsteps*
Nene carefully surveyed her area as she tiptoed up the set of staircases layed out above her, one by one she stepped upon with caution until finally she reached the third floor. To her right she saw a rickety old wooden door with stained glass pannels, that for sure was the girls bathroom.
Again she cautiously surveyed the area for any staff until she dashed for it, opening up the door to the bathroom with a loud creeeeaaaakkkk
The door shut behind her as a gust of cold air brushed past her left cheek, she gulped as she took a step closer to the third stall...
The door opened and two girls entered the bathroom, Nene stood as she recognised the voices. Two of her bullies from lower school had followed her all the way,
Unfortunately thats what happens when you don't check behind you.
"So then yashiro, what wierd stuff are you up to today" naomi let out a giggle as she stared Nene down from ankle to eyes
"Um i.. i just came up to pick up my bracelet i dropped earlier!"
Which obviously was a lie-
"What an absolute WIERDO! God its no wonder nobody likes you and your thick ugly ankles... pfft they don't even deserve to be called ankles" mimi laughed as she pointed at Nene's legs with naomi sniggering next to her Pulling out her phone
"Hhaha hey mimi, lets take a picture to capture the moment, I can't stop laughing-
In an instant mimis phone took a photograph of Yashiro's sad face and body as she stared down at the phone
"What a LOOSER, im definitely posting this one pfft HAAHAHA!" Mimi and Naomi laughed at the image the took as Naomi walked forwards and pushed nene over
Nene's eyes began to water as her sadness could no longer be concealed
"Lets go mimi, i'm done here" Naomi said
"Yeah pfft time to post that ugly picture"
Naomi and mimi left slamming the door behind them whilst sniggering.

Once again the cold air brushed past Nene,
The room was empty and silent,
Yashiro's sobs began to pierce the silence as she opened up her bag beside her and took out her phone to play her favourite idol game.
*music noises play from her phone*
Tears dropped on the vibrant screen as a boy with a brown choppy cut danced around on a lit up stage..
"I hate it..."
"I hate myself.."
Nene dropped her phone and curled up with her arms around her legs
*clunk clunk*
She swiftly wiped her tears and swung her head around to see what was causing such a bizarre noise, she sniffled as confusion consumed her thoughts.
Suddenly the third door SWUNG open
Nene flinched and hid between her legs
Only to hear a laugh...
A boys laugh?
Why was a boy in the GIRLS bathroom?
"HUH! *sniffle* WHO ARE YOU *sniffle*, I don't find this funny you WIERDO!"
The giggle continued
Suddenly it hit her,
Third floor
Old building
Third stall
Girls bathroom
"H...ana..ko? *sniffle*"
Suddenly she felt a cold touch on her left shoulder
Nene turned to see what it was but nothing was there, was she hallucinating??
"What ..was that..."
She finally plucked up the courage to stand up and turn around.
She ignored what she heard and decided to finally continue with what she originally came here to do.
Find hanako and ask for her wish.

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