Yashiro meets a ghostly boy called hanako in the hopes to have her wish granted... but things take a different turn, the unexpected occurs, she finds her falling in-love with him, little does she know he feels the same way..
"Yashiro.." Nene slowly untied her hands from around his waist and adjusted her posture as she fixed her brooch, hanako looked to the side, unsure how to respond, he had never had something such as this happened before, ever. "Sorry.. im just super glad! Im glad i met you. Lets be friends hanako" she declared with a warm smile "Yes.. id like that very much" and just like that hanako sprung back to his usual playful and spritely self "Yashiro~... you have a price to pay!" "*sigh* i knoww..." nene stared at hanako as she puffed her cheeks, "You...have...toooooo.... CLEAN THE BATHROOM FOR ME AFTERSCHOOL EVERY DAY! YAYYYY!!" "WHAT, BUT" nene froze Only to follow with a VERY deep sigh "Awww looks like someone really DID like being a little fish!" "NONO AHA I LOOOVE CLEANING BATHROOMS" nene sang melodically whilst dancing about, Hanako and yashiro giggled in sync, only to be met by each others gaze, "So... you promise to stay my personal assistant?" "I promise." Nene swiftly replied Hanako leaned forwards and interlocked his hands with Yashiro's ...
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Nene nodded and agreed.. had she finally gotten what she truly wanted deep down? A friend... The light of the sunset shone down through the coloured panes of the glass window as the last rays of heat kissed nenes skin, a breeze flowed through the open window above brushing past them both, everything glittered, Yashiro's rosy tinted view of life had finally returned.
"H-hanako... you're very close" Hanako by this time had gotten closer and closer until... *Boop!* Him and nene touched noses. He quickly retreated back and held his hands behind his back as he gave a cheeky smile to the flustered girl who stood in front of him. —————— Hanako had kept his eye on yashiro a long time, he always saw something special in her. He also knew she didn't have much time left. Every time she went into the gardens, every time she sat by the confession tree wishing for someone to love her, he saw all of it. Over the space of a year of observation he slowly and surely began to fall in love with her personality... however, he never knew. This was all new to him. Hanako set everything up with aoi, aoi had known of him as long as he had known her, afterall.. they were both apparitions, Hanako wouldn't have done this for just ANY girl. Yashiro Nene specifically struck him as being special, something worth protecting at all costs, so he decided, his plan would go into action. Aoi would speak of his name to Nene, encourage her to seek the wonder himself and that was where it all would begin... ———————————- As Yashiro returned to her senses she broke her gaze that was set in hanakos eyes and blushed lightly, "Thanks... f-for saving me earlier" she stuttered meekly, "Anything for a daikon like you! Hehe" Yashiros face turned to rage "I AM NOT A DAIKON!!!!" She stomped and it was as if horns were growing from out her head! Hanako was crying with laughter and pointing as he floated closer to her He pointed out his index finger and placed it on her nose "Boooop!" Yashiro gave an instant look of confusion, "I-i should be going home now- Her face turned bright red as she grabbed her bag and dashed out the bathroom "you better be back here tomorrow or ill be getting some fish food" "I WILL!!!" Hanako sat on the ledge of the window as he waited to watch her run past the confession tree, once she did he giggled to himself, a little pink rabbit looking creature popped up beside him, a mokke! "Haaanaaafuudaaaa!" It said in a high pitched tone, Hanako and the mokke ALWAYS played hanafuda together.
HI EVERYONE! IM JUST WRITING UP THE NEXT TWO PARTS, THEYLL BE RELEASED SOON <3, this book will have around 50 chapters so stay tuneeed~