Chapter 3: Hanako, fact or fiction?

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Nene stood up and finally regained her courage as she wiped the tears from her eyes, after all, this was what she came here to do. To summon hanako and get that wish.
Nene took her first step forward
Then her second
Then her third
Then her fourth
Her fifth and final step.
In front of her stood the big wooden embellished door of the third stall.
Nene took a deep breath as she gently lifted up her right arm and formed a knocking hand...

Nene took a deep breath as she gently lifted up her right arm and formed a knocking hand

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Nene made her first knock hesitantly only to follow it up by two hasty ones
Are you there?"

Everything went dead silent as she stared up at the door with both hope AND fear.
What was only a few seconds felt like minutes...
*noises of laughter*
It was that noise again.. that same laugh. That boys laugh!
Nene took three steps back, had Aoi set her up?
Or.. was there some wierd boy inside the girls bathroom stall.
the door suddenly FLUNG OPEN and hit the windowsill!
The feeling of a cold hand was felt on Nene's shoulder once again, then another, a hand on each shoulder, nene shut her eyes as hard as possible and put her hands out in front of her when out of the blue she felt cold by her left ear and cheek, as if someone was peering over...

WHAM! SLAM!the door suddenly FLUNG OPEN and hit the windowsill!The feeling of a cold hand was felt on Nene's shoulder once again, then another, a hand on each shoulder, nene shut her eyes as hard as possible and put her hands out in front of her w...

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"AAAAAH!" Nene screamed as she dropped to her knees and covered her head.
"Y'know, I'm not an evil monster! Not like some of the apparitions atleast"
It was a boys voice
IT WAS a boys voice!
"Heheeheeehee, you sure are jumpy!!"
"Hmmm, i guess you could say that, although I prefer apparition-
-or- the seventh of the seven wonders of the school... Hanako the bathroom ghost! I'm delighted to meet you miss?"
"Nene, nene yashiro, I'm a f-first year" Nene stammered
"Miss yashiro."
The ghostly boy crouched and placed both hands on either of nenes shoulders and helped her up
*whoosh* nene turned her body and flung her hand through the ghost boys face only to be met with shock, her hand went THROUGH him.

"HUH-"Are you alright?" The ghost boy enquired as he stared into her eyes

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"Are you alright?" The ghost boy enquired as he stared into her eyes.
Nene dusted herself of and took a deep breath and sighed,
"S-so... you're.. hanako?
"Yep! Thats me!"
"Are you a boy!?"

 hanako?"Yep! Thats me!""Are you a boy!?"

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"I do have a wish but... before that-
"you aren't a girl.. you're a creepy perverted wierd boy!"
"Wow thanks I'll be leaving now" hanakos face scrunched up with disappointment

 you're a creepy perverted wierd boy!""Wow thanks I'll be leaving now" hanakos face scrunched up with disappointment "Bye,"

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"You think i'm COOL!?"

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"You think i'm COOL!?"

[IM CURRENTLY WRITING THE NEXT PART EVERYONE! Don't worry you'll get the romance kick in soon >:)!]

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