The first two classes went by pretty fast. Third hour I had P.E. what fun. The only good thing about that clas was that sapphire and amber werw in it. For our class we had free time, so we could do whatever we wanted to. Sapphire was the first one to speak. "Dylan is worried about you. We all are, what's wrong liz?" She asked me. I sighed, "I'm fine guys, don't worry!" I replied. They both gave me a sceptical look and rolled their eyes. "We know something's wrong liz" amber stated. I just kept on walking the track and ignored what they had to say about my problem. We ended up talking about crushes. Great. "OOOOOO lizzz, isn't it right that you have tyler in your next class~" amber and sapphire teased. I glared at both of them and walked faster. "Hah! You can run, but you can't hide!" They shouted. I started running, luckily I was faster than them so they couldn't bother me about tyler. Yes, I might have sorta, a small crush on this guy named tyler. He was in my 4th and 6th period. I sat in front of him in both classes and we spoke a little. After a while we had become good friends and I developed these feelings for him. I liked him because he was cute, funny, and was basically the life of the party. When the bell rang, I said bye to sapphire and amber, and walked to my fourth hour. History. Great. I walked into class and sat in my seat. The teacher let us have free time today, so I was talking to one of my friends. "Want me to ask him if he likes you?" She asked. "I don't really care" I replied. She walked over to tyler and asked him if he liked me. "Ew, no, she's ugly" he told her. Ouch. I just continued on with my day, as if nothing happened. Bottom line: don't like anyone, just stay quiet...

RandomElizabeth Serena Ortega is not a normal teenager, she has to deal with her mother, who is not the nicest person in the world, and she has to deal with school. Every day, she has to deal with her mother hitting, yelling, and shouting at her. On top o...