ch 1- tears

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*this book talks a lot about death, depression and suicide, so please don't read if you're uncomfortable*

I ran outside of the mall I was shopping in and started crying my eyes out, I cried so much I could barely even see anything around me, it was just me and my sadness. Just. Me.
I sat outside on a metal bench, not caring about the rain pouring all over and around me.

"What's up with you?" A blonde girl sat next to me. I'm covered in tears with makeup runing down my face. "I'm fine, you can go." I sniffled, "Nah it's fine, I'm having a shit day too, so I don't see why you shouldn't spill your problems to a stranger." The girl said. "But you're not a stranger, you're Victoria De Angelis from Måneskin, a band I've been listening to since I was 16, I don't know how I'm not freaking out right now, probably because my life is literally shit, so I'm not really in the mood, and no offence, but I'd rather not tell you the depressing situation I'm in." I looked at her, tears still streaming down my face. She rested her head on my shoulder. "Well. I'm here." Victoria snuggled in closer to me on the old bench outside, as the rain smashed against the pavement. We sat in silence for a while, Victoria has not left. She still has her head rested on my shoulder. Well I'm guessing she must've had a pretty shit day too if she's sitting here with me, but there is no way her day was worse than mine.

After a bit, I finally decided to speak up, what a shit show she's in for.

"A week ago I found out my bestfriend killed herself, she jumped off a bridge, I didn't even find out till a day after, when her body was found." I stopped. "and just about.-" I look at my watch, "-45 minutes ago I found out my entire family died in a car crash, including my little sister who didn't even make it to her 10th birthday. So please Victoria. tell me what kind of thing can make my life worth living."  I paused for a moment. "Exactly nothing, there is no reason for me to exist on this earth anymore, I have no one. I'm alone." Tears started pooling out of my eyes and before Victoria could respond, I got up from the bench and started walking away.

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