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victoria's pov**

I sat alone by her grave. It has been a few days since her passing. Her funeral was terrible, barely anyone came. It made me sick. I couldn't even speak when it was my turn. The pain I feel is so fucking terrible. I forced the guys to leave me here. Alone.

I sighed and looked at the gravestone.

sister, daughter, friend, girlfriend

Girlfriend. She was my girlfriend. My girlfriend who I never said 'I love you' to.

I reached into my pocket and fiddled around with the item while looking up at the sky. Eventually I pulled out the item from my pocket and held it tightly in my hand. I pushed the blade up and placed it near my wrist. Without thinking twice, I did it. I slit one wrist, then the other. I dropped the blade on the grass and I slowly fell against her gravestone.

no more pain. "im coming mia bella" i whispered, feeling my body shut down. "i love you." i whisper my last words.

coralines grave is now my grave too.

i love you, mia bella


Thank you to everyone who read my entire book! I am extremely thankful! Thank you ❤️


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