ch 5- shopping

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We walked out if the bedroom, me following behind Victoria. Once we made our way to her reasonably sized living room, three guys around my age smiled at us. Damiano (the shortest out of the three guys) jumped up from his seat and made his way over to me. "I'm Damiano David." He shook out his hand to meet mine.

As if I dont know who they are

I took his hand and he shook my hand with a firm grip. "Just Coraline." I looked up at him.

Wow he has really nice hair. I may have to ask him about his hair routine. No im serious. It's so... Fluffy. Damn I need that hair.

"Well 'just Coraline', this is Ethan and Thomas." He said pointing to the other guys.

"Are you ready to have the best day of your life?" Damiano asked, letting go of my hand.

Not sure that's possible, but whatever. I'm not going to tell him that.

"Yup, all ready to go" I said and we all walked towards the door, then to (what I'm assuming to be) Damianos car. We got in and I sat next to Victoria. Her hand rested on mine. I looked at her to see that she was already looking at me. I smiled.

Victoria noticed I was smiling so she decided to move her hand. Not away from me, but closer to me. On my thigh. Moving further up as the car ride grew longer. For some reason I felt my heart beat at a faster pace. I turned my head away from her and looked out the window, trying not to be as affected by her as I actually was.

After the long car ride, we finally arrived at the mall. "Well?" Who's ready to shop?" Victoria asked and sat up from her seat.

Not me. I mean, don't get me wrong. Shopping can be fun. But that's when you are shopping with your best friends. And my best friend just so happened to kill herself last week. Okay stop. Victorias your friend now right?

"Tutte bene?" I heard Ethan voice ask as we were walking towards the large glass doors of the shopping mall. "What? Yea. Yea.." I responded quickly, maybe a little to quickly. I felt Victoria's soft hand grab mine. I looked down and noticed the black nail polish and beautiful rings on her hand.

Woah, she's got nice hands.

I looked up at Victoria and smiled.

Just like that Coraline, hide your truth.

We spent the rest of the day going in and out of stores, trying on and buying varieties of clothes. We stopped at a little shop to grab a bite to eat, but I wasn't hungry.

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