Squidward in the Early Years

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Squidward was not a happy child. In high school, he played clarinet. His instructor praised him for his great talent though Squidward was only a "mediocre clarinet player". Squidward loved his clarinet. It was his only friend. When Squidward was 16, his father died in a boating accident. In his Junior year, Squidward accepted a minimum wage job at a new, promising, fast food restaurant called the Krusty Krab to support his mother. His new manager, Eugene Krabs, was a skinflint cheapskate who scrounged for every penny he could after his wife took everything in the divorce and left him a single father. Eugene now lived in an anchor from a sunken WWII ship with his daughter. Life was tough for Eugene, but he managed to get a loan from the bank to buy the restaurant. The cook that Squidward worked with was Jim. Jim was an all around great guy. He could make you laugh, smile, and work harder. But Jim was hiding something big. Jim was a wanted criminal. His real name was Calvin. Calvin and the Tattletale Strangler used to deal. They got in some messed up situations. They robbed, killed, and ruined other people, just to keep along. Then, Calvin moved to Bikini Bottom, wanted a new life, and was from then on Jim. On top of all this, Jim was an alcoholic. He had several DUI's and still got in trouble with the law, but nothing was ever found by the authorities that Jim was really Calvin Little and that he was supposed to be on death row. But, this is a story about Squidward, and the bigger truth.

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