Chapter 4

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(Yumeko Jabami's POV)

I was in school and I noticed Y/N was looking a little anxious. It was confusing to me, once class was over I decided to talk to the young Kaiba.

Me: Hey kitty what's wrong

Y/N: Seto's been losing his company shares from 3 people, from what I know 2 are working together

My eyes widened. What if someone in the school was doing this. If that happens then Y/N might end up homeless. I would pat the boys head.

Me: Don't worry little kitty, we can help

Y/N: Really?

Me: Really really

Soon me, Ryota, and Mary were devising a plan.

Me: I say we split up and look for possible suspects

Mary: I'll take Y/N

Me: Oh and why's that

Mary: I want to make it up to him for cheating


The four of us would split up and start looking for suspects. But something caught my eye. The secretary girl Sayaka seemed to be looking at pictures of Y/N. 

I would grab the girls shoulder

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I would grab the girls shoulder.

Me: Why do you have pictures of my kitty on your phone

The girl would push away from me.

Sayaka: 1. He belongs to me not you! 2. He's more like a angel than anything

Me: How about this we have a duel and with every time we lose life points we reveal information

Sayaka: Deal

Ryota: You're not doing this alone Yumeko

Me: Ryota I don't-

Sayaka: Let him play besides I can take both of you guys

Soon me, Ryota, and Sayaka had our boards set. I would draw the cards Fluffal Bear, Toy Vendor, Edge Imp Scythe, Twin Twister, and Fluffal Cat.

Me: So how will this duel go

Sayaka: First, you go then I go, then Ryota go's then I go

Me: I guess that's fair, now I'll start it by summoning Edge Imp Scythe and place two cards face down

The President's bitch drew a card.

Sayaka: I'll summon X-Head Cannon and I'll attack your Edge Imp

My life points went from 2000 to 1000

Me: Well then what do you wish to know

Sayaka: What are your intentions with Y/N

I would smile and stare her dead in the eyes

"Let's duel!" Yandere Kakegurui x Male!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now