Chapter 12

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(Y/N Kaiba's POV)

This party was fun! But I have to go back home. Mary was driving and soon pulled up to my home but there were a bunch of cops and news people there. What's going on.

Mary: What the hell

Me: What's going on

Mary: I don't know. Stay in the car little lamb

Mary would get out of the car and go check out what's going on. I looked to Yumeko and Nanami.

Me: I wanna go too

Yumeko: Kitty we know but Mary said you have to stay in the car

Nanami: Besides something bad might be happening

Something bad. I would open the door and start running towards the house while pushing through people soon I made into the house.

Me: Seto! Mokuba!

I would start running around the mansion shouting there names. Soon I went into the gaming room to see Mokuba lifeless.

Me: M-Moki...

I felt myself tear up. Please tell me Seto is okay. I would start running to Seto's office. I could hear cops saying 'Kid stop!' or 'Get him!'. Soon I made it to Seto's office and there was blood on the carpet. Caution tape and in his head was a hole. I dropped to my knees and started crying. WHO DID THIS?! WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS?!


Soon a cop would pick me up a try to take me outside. I would start hitting their shoulder.


Soon I was outside and was about to be put in a cop car until the cop who questioned me back at the school came.

Soon I was outside and was about to be put in a cop car until the cop who questioned me back at the school came

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 Cop #1: PUT HIM DOWN!

Cop #2: Look pretty boy this kid just ran into the house we gotta get him out and take him down to the station

Cop #1: You idiot that's Y/N Kaiba

Cop #2: O-oh!

Cop #1: Just let me talk to him

Cop #2: R-right!

The cop would put me down and 'pretty boy' would kneel down to my level.

Cop #1: Sorry about him. Did he hurt you

I would sniffle and shake my head

Cop #1: That's good. I'm Leon Fujisaki

Me: You already know me

Leon: Yeah. Look I need to do my job so how about this. I let you hop in the passenger seat of my cruiser and we'll go down to the station

Me: Will there be ramune?

"Let's duel!" Yandere Kakegurui x Male!Child!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now