Chapter 2

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"Oh, my Gosh! Holy...!"

Laughing, I sank back into the seat of my limo... And here I thought I had seen it all. Shit!

David was sitting opposite of me, pouring a drink. He looked like a cat that just ate a delicious mouse. Well, I am not sure what or whom he ate in the past couple of hours, as I explored the place for myself after he initially had given me the grand tour.

"Told you, Mike! I done told you! Don't you ever doubt me again, man! How freaky is that place?"

Shit! David was right. And man- how did a dweeby little Jewish kid find a place like that? I had seriously underestimated his potential seemed like. Wow. Of course, it was also not likely to see a devout Jehova's Witness there...even it was it ex-Witness by now.

I mean, I had read about places like this before, of course. But to be see the stuff going on there.... Man! Part of me was sort of surprised we were not either turned into salt columns or struck by lightning when we left this little high end Sodom and Gomorrah behind. Better not to turn around- just in case...

"Wine, Mike? Or something stronger?"

"I take something stronger... I still can't get over the...?"

I started to giggle thinking about all the craziness I had seen. I had not indulged in any alcohol while wandering the dark velvet halls of sin. When David picked me up tonight, I had told him, I was just going to check it out. I needed to be in total control of my senses and I needed to be able to decide if I wanted to leave. We had a driver on stand-by the entire time, just in case. But once I got over the embarrassment factor, leaving was the last thing on my mind.

David had been right. It was all very discreet, very classy. We both opted to wear dark domino masks, dark slacks, dark coats... I wore a dark burgundy shirt and a black tie, while David sported some weird little bow-tie thingy. I had teased him all the way over here. My hair was tied back, and I hoped I looked very nondescript. The longer I wore the mask, the less I worried about being recognized. No one seemed to pay us any attention, at any rate. Not that way, anyway.... Oh, there were ladies - and guys- checking me out, but it wasn't with that celebrity hungry glint I was used to. It was all on a much baser level. I was just a guy in a classy suit...wandering around. On the prowl. Predator or prey... It was all open to interpretation.

The owner, a gorgeous lady with the most beautiful chocolate colored skin and dreamy, huge black eyes, Madame X as she presented herself, met us, and David introduced me as his dear friend. No name were given or seemed required. She offered us drinks and I stuck to Perrier- while David immediately went for more high- test fare. Madame X gave us a little tour. The upper salons all resembled very classy, dark bars with tables discreetly hidden from view by seductive lighting and ingeniously placed curtains and screens. I detected amazing fabrics and the most stunning, colorful tapestries and drawings I had ever seen outside European and Asian palaces. Different styles of music permeated each room, and we spotted couples dancing, floating in their own worlds.

Madame X also informed us there were several private room on the levels upstairs, and she asked David if he would mind giving me the rest of the tour as she indicated she wanted to ensure I was comfortable to explore as much or as little as I desired. Briefly, I wondered if she knew who I was. Of course, she seemed to be a very smart, very accomplished business woman who had to be well aware who she admitted into her paradise and who had to be kept out.

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