Chapter 10

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What in the world was his problem? One moment he stared at her as if she was some mystery he tried to solve, and the next he shot lightning bolts out of those dark storm clouds that were his eyes. What had she done now?

And why did she care?  It had been bad enough when he had shown her what he wanted last night in that bathroom- right before he dipped out. To fuck her…and leave.  Again.  She would not even be a distant blurb on his radar as he continued to soar.  Still, in that moment they shared, the desire in his eyes had almost torched her very being.  But so what? She was a piece of meat. He simply had gotten a taste and wanted more. Well, tough luck!  Shouldn’t be too difficult for him to get his dick wet. What did she care?

Yeah, Lisa, you talk a good game. But you were awake all night

Shit, she had been so awake she had actually headed back out…and had somehow ended up at the club.  Despite all her resolve she was nothing but metal shavings sucked to their powerful magnet.  How had she even known he’d be there?  Had she really looked for him at all?  Well, on purpose or not, it had taken her no time to find him…he was in the piano lounge, drinking.  He was not alone, either- David was there as well, and they were in some intense convo.  Lisa stepped back and pressed herself against a wall before they could spot her.  What in the name of all that was holy was she even doing there?  Lisa tried to make up her mind on whether to leave or to go to a room and…wait for inspiration to strike.  Before she could figure any of that out, Michael was escorted off by one of Madame’s gofers. A very large gofer.

She bit her lips, suddenly noticing worry settling in the pit of her stomach. What did Madame want from him? Was he in any kind of trouble?  Or was he the lucky recipient of some extra attention? It was well known that Madame hand-picked some special members every now and then to have a private supper with. Which, no doubt, would include that marvelous cock.

Lisa swallowed, still feeling the texture, tasting his essence. Noticing where her mind had wandered, she admonished herself for caring. Let him do what he wanted. She was out of that loop.  And that iron ball in her gut did not have jealousy written on it.

Why didn’t she just leave?  Good question, she admitted with a fair amount of the usual self-loathing. She was such a little pathetic loser!

Peeking around the corner, Lisa waited for the gilded elevator door to close behind Michael, then she sauntered in, and stood next to David as of that was her assigned spot.

“Was he mad at you?” Her voice was dark and quiet.

David jumped lightly, then smiled when he recognized her.  He rose and pulled a chair out for her.  “He was steamed. And curious. Very curious.”

Sitting down, Lisa removed her mask.  It was dark enough in here and she was facing away from the door. Usually, people didn’t look at her face.  Jim asked if she wanted her usual vodka, but she decided to go with club soda instead.  Gazing at David, she thought that last comment over for a bit.  Michael was curious?  About her? Was that a good sign? Or would he just sniff around more, trying to get into her business?  Like she needed another intrusive pain in the ass in her life.


“You, my love. He wants to know what makes you tick.”

Her little laughter lacked humor. “I wonder that myself, dude.” She paused, “Why does he give a damn?” David looked at her for a long while. “Seems he is intrigued. He gets like that. He hangs his heart on people… And he’s been hurt. So, don’t play with him, ‘kay?”

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