❂| 007. Like a baby

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Before Ella could start speaking, Seb silenced her, trying to snuggle into Jasper's coat, Ella watched the interaction but decided not to speak on it, she already was confused about how Edward laughed with Seb in lunch and how he looked at her like she was some plague.

The twins reached the Coffee shop, the rain had slowed down but didn't stop, Seb opened Bella door and bowed, Bella laughed at him and Charlie watched his children from the window, they looked happy, he thought but he knew his children well, Bella didn't speak much everyone knew it but Sebastian, he only allowed others to know what he wants them to know, so it was quite a work to talk with his children.

Seb gave Charlie a side hug and Bella just nodded at him, which he returned, the twin settled down in the booth, Seb was starving so when Carla bought her food, he couldn't stop eating on it.

"can't believe, you two have grown up" Carla beams at the twin, "look how gorgeous you are and I bet you got all the girls falling over you", Seb mutters "or boys" then smirked at Carla, the waitress repeated the sentence, "I bet you got everyone falling for you", Charlie just hummed to the situation, he knew his son didn't like restrictions, not anywhere it turns out, so he was proud of his son for telling him that he liked everyone, Reene and Phil were cool with it and oh Ella, she always needed a gay best friend which Seb always denies her.

"Remember me, honey? I was Santa one year" a guy in fifties, giddy it seemed, came toward their table, the question was more directed toward Bella, so Seb just concentrated on his steak and ignored the convo, only humming when Carla asked him about the cobbler and everyone knew, "Sebastian Swan is a whore for sweet stuff".

"So, dad you here every day?" Bella tries to start a conversation, "easier than doing dishes" Charlie responds to it, Sebastian hummed at it, then he suddenly popped in the conversation, "Imma cook dinner from tomorrow", Charlie looked at him in confusion, "Seb and I did most of the cooking in Phoenix" Bella chimed in between, "mom's not the best with food" Seb speaks up and all three busts up in laughing, "I will leave money for groceries then" Charlie spoke in between his food, "thanks" Seb tells him and then it was silent.

"So how was school? Meet anyone?", the trio was waiting for their cobbler, so Charlie decided small talk, Seb interest perked up when Bella asked about the Cullens.

Charlie made a sad face, "are people talking about them?", "a little" Bella tells him, then he continued, "Just cause their newcomers. We're lucky to have a surgeon like Dr. Cullen at our Podunk hospital. Lucky his wife wanted to live in a small town. Lucky his kids aren't like a lot of the hell-raisers around here.", Seb smiles at the image of the Cullens which form in his mind, "Jasper Cullen", Charlie corrected him, "Hale, he and Rosalia, the Hale twins", Seb absorbed the new information, "what about him, Seb, did he said something to you?" there was the protective dad voice in the question, Seb smiled at Charlie, "nothing, like that, I talked with him today, more like all the Cullens, but he's just", Seb's cheek was already red from the increased blood flowing into it, before he could continue what he was going to say, Carla came with their deserts and the trio enjoyed that in silence and left for home.

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Seb knocked at Bella's door before entering the room, Bella's room hasn't changed much except for the dirty laundry laying on the ground, he needs to clean this all soon, he made a mental note and then moved to sit on the corner of Bella's bed.

Bella just watched him, waiting for him to speak, "well, tell mom I'm fine and I will send her email soon"

"okay" Bella replied, watching him curiously, Seb could have said the same thing from the door too but he didn't, "what's wrong, Seb?" Bella finally asked him, Seb just smiled at his twin, remembering how he can't hide stuff from her, "the Cullens" Seb spoke, slowly, focusing on each alphabet, "what about them?", "they aren't bad right, like how Jessica spoke about them, they all were kind to me", Bella moved toward Seb, ruffling his hair, "remember what Dad said, people here aren't that open about them, I'm sure they aren't bad", Seb smiled at his sister and gave her a goodnight kiss on her forehead and left the room.

Sebastian changed to his Pj, leaving his upper body exposed, the moonlight falling directly on his bed, illuminating his skin with every movement he took, all he could think about was the coat Jasper gave him, the gesture was too cute and how thinking about him was bringing a smile on his face, he turned in the sheets till he found a comfortable position and then he slept like a baby.

Seb woke up to a loud knock at his door, Bella peeked in, "hurry up, Seb, wake up", he stretched like a cat and it took him some time to untangle from the sheets, the cold morning airstrikes on his exposed chest like icicles, a shiver ran through his body and he hurriedly pulled a grey sweatshirt over it, for now, he did the morning routine and changed to more warm clothes, very slowly, he pulled the black coat over his body, feeling every bit of how the clothing wrapped his body like a warm hug, he need to thanks Jasper for it again.

The twins left the house and were close to the school when Seb won't stop staring at Bella, she huffed in annoyance, "is there something on my face?", "no", "Then why are you staring?", Seb didn't know why he was staring at her but then he remember the incident from tomorrow, "did Edward say something to you, he ran away from the class and you seemed hurt", Bella was taken aback by the sudden attack from Seb, "no, he acted as I smelled but I didn't and then he talked in the office to change his classes", Seb hummed at the whole situation and drummed his fingers on the console, the ride was cut short and when they entered the school, Seb clasped on Bella's back, "I will talk with him, don't worry, Sebastian Swan on your duty, mam", he bowed like a servant and everyone noticed them when Bella giggles filled the parking lot, Jasper found the whole interaction cute but he knew, Seb will be annoyed when he will come to know that Edward has decided to skip the town.

Seb watched the Cullen's entering the parking lot, while Bella continued to read her book, soon, they were joined by Jessica and others, Bella moved with them but stopped to call Seb to walk with them, only to see Seb waving at Jasper Hale, she smiled and left with the group.

Jasper instead of returning the wave, guided through the parking lot, missing out on every puddle in that place, and sat beside Sebastian, there was still some time for classes to start.

"Morning, Darling'" Jasper spoke in his southern accent and Sebastian tried his best to ignore the nickname, jasper used so casually, "morning, Jasper", Seb smiled at him.

"How did you sleep?" Jasper asks him, subtlety moving close to the other, "like a baby" Seb chimed in and moved toward Jasper, the two sit close now, their shoulders were almost touching but both of them refrained themselves from doing so.

"Thanks for the coat again", Seb told him, already trying to smuggle more into the coat, Jasper smiled at his mate, he was everything he could hope for, "you will love my wardrobe," he tells him and both laugh at it, the other students which were just arriving stared at the duo, while Rosalia and Alice watched them from the window, "cute, aren't they?" Alice nudged her shoulder with Rose, the other just smiled at them and left Alice alone at the window. 

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