Empreyean God - Goku Black x Reader Pt. 2

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Last Edit: April 8th, 23

Kuro's barking snapped you out of your mind

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Kuro's barking snapped you out of your mind. You get up and turn around to reach for your backpack, but smack into something. Or rather someone. Shit.

You yelped and jumped backwards, whipping your attention to your assailant. A smirk curled upon his lips, the murderous glint in his eyes sent shivers down your spine. You commanded Kuro to hide, a command you taught to her when she was a pup, which she did, galloping into the brush.

"Who or what are you, mortal? How exactly did you manage to punch me with such brute force?" Black questioned.

"I don't know! Some mystical voice spoke to me and all of a sudden whoever it was granted me this strength. And I will use it again to protect myself from you, you fucking monster," you snapped back. Black simply chuckled in response to your snappy reply.

"It seems your.. 'friend' isn't aware of what I am capable of, cretin. I will not allow either of you to get in the way of erasing all rancid mortals from existence, to make this universe the utopia it was always meant to be. You're merely a speed bump."

"I could care less about your so-called utopia, Goku wannabe. I was minding my own damn business until you invaded my abode and tried to fucking kill me. And you have the audacity to call yourself judge and juror of everyone just because you have the power to?! How DARE you!!" You roared, your eyes swirled into a striking red, your pupils became slits like a feline. Vibrant green wings and tail sprouted from your rear as your body swelled in size, being surrounded in a billowing gust. Black stepped back in awe of you as your aura erupted in all of its glory.

As the gusts dispersed, your form was that of a kaiju, a beast beyond compare. You let out an all-encompassing roar so loud that the ground shook and flocks of birds leapt from trees into the darkened sky. Black flew up to meet your eyes, only to be met by your giant fist, sending him flying back into the city. As he regained his footing from your critical hit, a certain kai appeared beside him, checking his injuries.

"It seems the girl has awoken him, hasn't she? Well, this shouldn't get in the way of our plans. We shall snuff her out as soon as she let's her guard down."

"Indeed. This shall be interesting. We mustn't let this situation fester."

As you shrunk to your human form, you heaved for air. Whatever you just did took a l o t out of you. Holy shit, did I just transform into some dragonic creature-thingy? It must be the WindWrym's form, or something along those lines, you thought. Kuro ran up to you from the nearby shrub, yipping with glee. You stroked her gently, incredibly pleased that she was unharmed once more.

"Indeed, that was one of my forms, child of man."

"Oh! You're back, WindWrym! You left me hanging last time we spoke. Please don't do that again. Also, you don't have to always address me as "child of man', my name's Y/N. I'd like to stay on a first name basis with you since you've saved my life twice now", you said.

"I had to attend to an important matter at that time. thankfully it resolved quicker than I anticipated. Do forgive me for.. 'leaving you hanging', Y/N", the WindWrym spoke.

"Apology accepted, pal. Anyway, how on Earth did I use one of your forms? And to add on to that, YOU HAVE MULTIPLE FORMS?! THAT'S SO COOL!.. ahem, can I use all of them to beat up that bastard Black?" you asked.

"In due time, once our bond grows stronger, you shall gradually unlock my other forms. It seems you've already accessed my base form, even though it was a short amount of time. Well done, little one. As a reward, I shall allow you to come to where I reside. It is a place called the Misholt. Head North of West City and let your senses guide you to me. I intended to hold back from allowing this so early on but, I believe it's time you know who you truly are. Make haste and don't allow that man follow you. And, before I forget, my name is.. Midgardsormr."

"Alright, Midgard. I can call you that, right? And.. thank you."


Omg y'all I'm sooooooooooooooooo stinkin sorry I had to take a l o n g mental break from almost everything

And I come back to the internet to see one of my favorite voice actors playing an upcoming Character in a game I play so I have to grind my cheeks off to hopefully get him

Life gets in the way of everything man :(

Listen ill do my best get back in the groove of things and posting more stories

Cya soon kings, queens, and everything in-betweens

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