Morning After Segment from last Gogeta smut

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Last Edit: April 8, 23

Your eyes flutter open to see Gogeta staring at you with a content look on his face, his hands slowly tracing up and down your back.

"Good morning, my love", Gogeta purred, pulling you closer.

"Good morning, Gogeta. Wait, why am I in your clothes?" you reply.

"Don't you remember.. last night?" Gogeta chuckled. Right then and there, the events of last night flooded your mind. An image of him with hooded eyes and his tongue sweeping over his chops in the sexiest way possible. A deep fuschia covered your face in an instant as you buried your face in his chest, praying that he didn't see how red you were.

"W-w-w-wh- b-b-b-b-b-b-" was all you could stammer, embarrassment clawing at your skin.

"Come now, no need to be shy. Let me see that stunning face of yours", Gogeta laughed. Slowly but surely, you raised your head to look at him, your face still redder than a tomato. Gogeta's grip around your waist tightened the slightest bit as he pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead.

"Before I forget, do you feel sore? I might've went too rough on you. Your moans spurred me into blind hunger~" Gogeta snickered.

"To answer your question, I do feel a bit sore and SHUT IT ABOUT MY MOANS!" You yelled, which only earned a smug grin.

"I'll let you rest for now, until we can go for round two~"

The End Probably Maybe

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