Methods are used to help one get into a relaxed, focused state. Methods consist of meditation and ways to keep the mind awake while the body sleeps. Most methods utilize visualization and sound in order to get someone ready to shift. Methods may consist of theta waves, beta waves, and subliminal affirmations. Some methods can take an hour to complete while others could take only five minutes. Nonetheless, methods are created as a tool to help an individual shift. They are not required and they are not the deciding factor of whether or not you shift. You alone decide if you shift!
It is crucial to remember that certain methods don't always work for every single person. Do not get discouraged because you've tested out a few and they don't seem to be working for you. Just because the pillow method worked for your friend doesn't mean it's the right fit for you specifically. It is best to try a method for a week or so before moving on to the next. This allows you time to get used to a method and decide if it's right for you. The most important part of methods is to find what works for YOU. Not what works for Alexa, not what works for Maia, not what works for Lena; find what works for YOU.
Now let's get into some of the popular methods used by shifters so you can get a good idea of what the steps of a method might look like.
The Raven Method: For the Raven method you will put on a subliminal or frequency. As it is recommended to lay in the starfish position, this absolutely is not mandatory. Lots of people like to lay on their back and spread out this way so that their limbs do not come in contact with one another, however it is important to do what is comfortable for the individual person. Once a comfortable position is achieved, the next step is to count from 1 to 100. While counting, visualize the desired reality that you will shift to. Say affirmations during this method. "I am capable of shifting to my DR, I allow myself to shift, I deserve the experiences I've scripted, I am no longer aware in my original reality, I have shifted to my DR". Once the method is complete, you can fall asleep or you can continue visualizing, feeling, and affirming until your eyes open automatically.
The Alice In Wonderland Method: This method takes the cinematic movie and applies its principles to reality shifting. You'll lay down in a comfortable position, take slow and deep breaths, and then begin visualizing. You begin beneath a tree in a field. There can be flowers, a creek, anything you want. Eventually someone from your desired reality will stroll by. This can be a comfort character, friend, or significant other. Who you decide to visualize doesn't necessarily matter. You'll get up from beneath the tree and start to trail them into the woods. You'll chase them until they come to a hole at the base of a tree. You'll envision yourself jumping in after them and as you fall, affirm.
The 5-Senses Method: This method is perfect for individuals who find it hard to visualize within their mind's eye. You'll use your other senses to develop the space around you in which you intend to shift into. What can you hear, feel, smell, and taste? I personally love this method!
The Art of Quantum Jumping
Spiritual"The Art of Quantum Jumping" is a collection of information about reality shifting. In this book, topics such as the basics of shifting, the process, theories, and successful stories will be discussed. The author of this informative novel is Cadmus...