Safe Words/Actions

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What are safe words and safe actions? Well, these are things used by shifters after they've made it to their desired realities and they are ready to return to their original reality. Before shifting, you'll decide on a word/action that you will say/do in your DR when you want to shift back. This is possible because of intention. Just like intention got you to your desired reality, it will bring you back as well. For example, say you choose the word rainstorm as your safe word. If you say this word in a sentence without the intention to shift back, you'll remain in your DR. If you say the word after deciding you want to come back, you will. You cannot accidentally be pulled from your DR. Nor can you get stuck in a desired reality. The reality you are aware in is up to you. You decide how long you will stay and the exact moment that you will leave. The same thing goes for actions. 

Intention is everything, however, and a safe word or safe action is not always necessary. You can return to your original reality simply by wanting to.

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