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Eunji's POV

"Class dismissed. Make sure to pass your answers online in our group chat. I have given the deadline, it's up to you guys if you want to pass it or not. Just remember that if you missed the deadline, it is considered as 0"
Mr. Go said and left the classroom

"Why is he so strict? Unlike Mr. Ty" Areum pouted and yawned as she prepared her things

"Areum, should we try the new café nearby? I will treat you, promise!"

"I would love to. The problem is my brother. We have an agreement that was made this morning and I have to go home early like what he said"

"Really? Should I try asking him?"

She shrugged her shoulder "Try asking him. Let's see his reaction"

We both finished taking care of our things and went to the next classroom where Seungmin and some of our friends are. I forgot to say, Areum and I parted ways with others. It's not because I don't have high grades, I just followed Areum here.

"Seungmin! Your sister is here" Jeongin shouted

Seungmin finished preparing his things and went outside. What do I tell him? Should I ask him about what he gave me earlier? Shit. I shouldn't be bothered by it. Song Eunji, calm yourself, okay?

"What are you two doing here?" Seungmin

"Eunji have something to tell you" Areum said and pushed me to Seungmin

Seungmin looked at me.

"I was wondering if Areum can go with me. I wanted to try the new café nearby. I asked her and you seem to have an agreement with her. So, I went here personally hoping you would let her go with me. I promise I will bring her home as soon as possible. We just wanted to try the new café-"

Seungmin said

"Huh? Why are you not even hesitating to answer yes to Eunji? When I am telling you about me hanging out with others, you would always hesitate" Areum whined

"I promise I will bring her home, safe and sound"

"You can bring her with you. I will be so pleased"
Seungmin said and left

"Ya! Kim Seungmin! Wait for me at home! I will kill you!" Areum shouted

We both just waited for Seungmin to leave the school, and we went to the new café which what I am telling her about- Actually, there is new café...

"Ya! How could you lie?! There is no new café! This is where we always go to" Areum complained

"I have something to ask you, shut up"

I ordered for us both and paid for it since I promised her that I will treat her. As soon as I got the order, I sat with her and gave her what I ordered. I only got myself a coffee since Seungmin gave me sweets earlier.

"What do you want to tell me?" Areum asked while eating

"I have this friend from states. She have feelings for this guy she is friend with, for a long time. She have been keeping it as a secret but it wasn't really secret, everyone knows and only the guy doesn't have an idea. Fast forward... He keep giving her mixed signals, today he will show something that will make my friend realize he likes her. The next day, he will show him something that will make my friend realize he doesn't like her. What should I tell her to do?"

Areum raised her eyebrow "That kind of story telling won't work. Just tell me the story is about you and Seungmin who is giving you mixed signals. What happened?"

I pouted and showed her the paper bag "Your brother gave me this earlier this morning. I thought it doesn't mean anything but I saw the white ribbon which means he is asking me for the night ball"

"You like him, right? Say yes! If you will refuse, he will probably won't go to the ball and find someone else instead"
Areum answered and continued eating

I just waited for her to finish what she was eating and drove her home. As soon as I get home, I went straight to my room and lied down on my bed while holding the white ribbon from the cake earlier.

"I can't believe this. My crush for years is asking me to be his partner"

"You mean the guy I like that you stole?"
Ari asked while standing at my door

"Can you not pick a fight? I am trying to rest-"

"Usually, one sister will be happy to see her sister happy. That is not what I am feeling. I am so disgusted when I see you happy. Enjoy every moment now"
Ari smiled

"Can you stop? Why are you so mad at me? What did I even do to you?"

"You didn't do anything but your bestfriend did something to me again. If I will spill your secret to Seungmin, you wouldn't even get mad at me for it. How about I hurt your bestfriend for you to get hurt as well?"
Ari chuckled

"Can't you do anything nice? I wonder when will you feel guilty for all the things you have done these past few years"

She chuckled "I don't think I will feel guilty"

"Song Ari-"

"Stay with your bestfriend. I am sure she will get hurt anytime soon"

What are you planning, again?

Her voice, | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now