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Third person's POV

It's been awhile and I am so happy to know your decision. We wanted to take our son and take care of him like what you asked. I am writing this letter for the effort you did to take care of Hyunjin for years. I know it's hard to take care of him alone. We were so young and selfish to abandon Hyunjin, we were so thankful to have you in our life and you saved the young man. Things are different now. We realized our wrong actions and we were trying to reflect and change, starting by apologizing to you and taking Hyunjin with us. I already have my own family, as well as Hyunjin's Mom. I still want Hyunjin to meet me and live with me. I wanted to give him the life he deserve. Please, do send me a letter when everything is settled for me and Hyunjin to meet.

Hyunjin dropped the letter and tears started falling from his eyes. He can't believe what he just read. His own Grandmother knew and have been talking to his parents yet he doesn't know. He never even thought of them once because he knows he is not special to them and that is the reason they left him.

Meanwhile, in the car, Areum saw Hyunjin's bag beside her which he forgot to bring with him. She showed it to Seungmin.

"Let's go back" Seungmin told the driver

Areum sighed as she felt worried of Hyunjin. How come he even forgot his bag? Is he that bothered and worried? She is also worried what will his Grandmother say if she sees his wounds.

As they arrived, she saw Hyunjin holding a letter. She decided to go alone and let Seungmin wait for her. She hurriedly went out and was about to go to Hyunjin when his Grandmother arrived...

"Hyunjin, you arrived early" his Grandmother said as she saw Hyunjin standing in front of the door "Are you okay? Why do you have wounds on your face- Are you crying?"

He looked at her "Why do you want to give me back to them? When you know in yourself that I hated them for abandoning me?"

His Grandmother was shock from what she heard, she was confused how he found out, but then she saw the letter and it was from Hyunjin's Father.

"They knew about me ever since I was born. They know all the updates. When I got into an accident, did they even help us? Or did they even offered helping us win the case?" Hyunjin asked while crying

"Hyunjin" his Grandmother called

Hyunjin continued crying while staring at her "You clearly know how much I hated to know about them. You know how hard I tried pretending not to know them. They have seen me a lot of times, yet they ignored me like I was not their child"

"They have their reasons" his Grandmother said that he completely understood

"What? They wanted to achieve their dreams and get rid of me because I am blocking their way?" Hyunjin

His Grandmother cried.

"I am sorry but I felt betrayed by you" he whispered and walked away

Areum was shock from what she heard, she is worried of Hyunjin but she felt more worried to see the Grandmother kneeled on the floor as she cried. She hurriedly ran to her.

"Are you okay?" Areum asked

The old woman's heart started eaching causing her to have a hard time breathing. Areum is panicking and keep giving Seungmin a signal to come over and help them.

"We will bring you to the hospital. Wait" she said and keep panicking

As Seungmin noticed what was happening, he hurriedly got off the car and ran to them. The driver as well went to them.

"Hyunjin needs someone" Grandmother said

Areum doesn't want to leave her but they are all worried of Hyunjin. She gave Seungmin a nod to tell him to take care of the old woman. After that, she ran to follow Hyunjin where he went.

She was looking for him not even know where he was headed to. After a few minutes of looking for Hyunjin, she finally saw him. He was going to cross the streets. She tried to call him and follow him as fast as she can but he is walking too fast.

Hyunjin crossed the streets.

Areum was about to cross the streets when the stoplights changed and it was a sign for her not to cross it.

All of a sudden, Hyunjin heard the tinnitus sound again which made him stop. His vision is getting blurry as he looked around and tried to seek for help. People are watching him and thought he is crazy. He kneeled to support his weight and won't fall.

Areum was shocked to see what happened to Hyunjin. She is worried but the stoplight is too slow to change color again. She is panicking and getting scared for Hyunjin.

"Hwang Hyunjin!" Areum shouted-

The sound suddenly disappeared which made Hyunjin have the strength to stand again. He turned around and his eyes are started getting teary as he saw Areum across the streets.

Areum waved at him "Wait for me!"

Tears keep falling...

Finally, the stoplight changed its color. Areum smiled and waved at him, she hurriedly ran to Hyunjin-

All of a sudden, a car truck is approaching...

Areum lost her conscious and fell on the floor, blood flowing from her.

"Areum..." he whispered

End of Her Voice,.

Her voice, | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now