Chapter 16

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(y/n)'s POV:

Keiko sat down on the bench next to me, which is beside the fountain after Kurono left ud alone.

And then I told Keiko everything that happened until now. The party... Dr Overhaul... what came after... my ex fiancé's attack... the examine room... his lies... Kurono's help with revenge... So really everything.

She listened to everything I had to say with curious eyes and parted lips. I'm sure she is going to bombard me with questions once I finished telling her all the stories.

" now he gave me this dress and heels to wear at that reunion party." I took them out from the paper bad and showed it to her. She gasped when she saw it. "And now... here we are."

"Holy shit that's a lot of information to take in out of the blue. And damn thst dress is bomb!" She said.

"Yeah I know it's a lot, but I had to tell it to someone. I couldn't bear to carry all the burden by myself like this anymore. It was just too much... Just please promise me you won't tell anyone." I begged to her with both my words and my eyes.

She smiled at me and nodded, raising her pinky in front of me. I raised mine and we made a pinky promise. Yeah it's a bit childish, but we both are not normal so we don't care.

"Okay." She stood up. "Let's go somewhere and stuff ourselves with some food and watch that new movie we were talking about!" She cheerfully clapped and I stood up as well.

We walked in the mall, watching the people and checking out some stores from outside on our way. Luckily the place is not too crowded at this hour.

Keiko had to go to the restroom so I stood in line at Mc Donald's. My eyes were already scanning for an empty table. However... someone blocked my view out of sudden.

"Hey Dr (l/n)! What a coincidence!" Overhaul's wife popped up in front of me. "Mind if I join you in the line?"

Yes I do, go the fuck away!

"No, not at all!" Dammit... My mouth didn't want to work with me. Please Keiko hurry and come back and save me!

Kiki giggled and stood next to me. "Thanks! Are you alone?"

"Actually I'm with my friend today... Doing some girly stuff. You know uhh... A girly day?" I awkwardly spoke, unable to keep eye contact with her all the time because of the guilt I feel.

I'm not angry at her... I'm angry at Overhaul for being such a dick with me. I don't want to spend time with her. We are not friends, we never were and we never will be. That's just something which is impossible.

"Ah, yeah I know. Are you waiting for her? Where is she? I am..." She questioned and continued to say something.

I looked around for any trail of Keiko, not really paying attention to what Kiki said to me.

"Dr (l/n)?" She called out to me, but I was in another universe, so didn't hear her, then she tapped my shoulder twice. "Dr (l/n)?"

That snapped me out of my desperate search. I shook my head and looked at her. "Sorry what?"

"There you are Kiki." Dr Overhaul popped out of nowhere making my eyes widen in shock.

What the fuck is he doing here?

"Oh, sorry honey! I just spotted Dr (l/n) and I wanted to say hi to her." She smiled up at Overhaul who was looking down at her, arm around her waist. But his eyes bored into mine the next moment.

"Is that so?" He hummed.

I tried my best to keep calm, gritting my teeth unnoticeably and clenching my fists tightly. My inner self wanted to punch both of them, especially that fucking son of a bitch liar...

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