Chapter 44 (Last)

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(y/n)'s POV:

Things went pretty fast after our wedding. I never imagined that everything could take a turn within a very small amount of time. In a good way I mean of course.

Not long after that special wedding night we spent together with Kai, my period was late... and I immediately suspected why that could be, but I didn't want to believe it till it was confirmed, so I bought a pregnancy test first just to be sure if I was right or not and the first thing to do in the morning was to see the result.

It was positive...

I was very nervous to tell Kai that probably our first night together as a husband and wife was successful at baby making. How would he react? Would he be happy?

Right now it was early in the evening and he was away from our home for a few minutes because he forgot to buy popcorn for our little movie night together, and until then I tried to figure something out to tell him the news.

I was pacing back and forth in the living room with the little stick in my hand till I heard the front door open with Kai yelling to me about his arrival.

I was quick to hide the test behind my back and let him come inside further. He held a small plastic bag in his hand and threw his car keys in that small plate he always used, so he wouldn't lose them.

He raised a brow at me since I was acting a bit strange, awkwardly smiling at him that is. "What are you hiding behind your back?" He asked suspiciously.

He immediately noticed that something's off. My face expression and my behaviour told it all. I just could never fool or lie to him. He would easily find out.

"Uhh... Could you buy popcorn in the shop?" I avoided answering him and asked a question too instead. It was a very lame move but what else could I have done? Step in front of him and say 'hey you fucked me pregnant so you're going to be a father' no, I can't do that.

"I could. Your turn to answer." He said and put the bag down on the counter, turning to me eventually. He took slow steps, approaching me. My heartbeat quickened and I bet I was sweating from nervousness. It's not an easy task to tell.

I beleive men feel the same way before asking for woman's hand.

I looked away for a moment, biting my lip, then timidly showed the small stick in my hand to him without saying a word. I was a coward to speak. He raised his brows again at me and took a look at it, realizing what it was.

He's a smart man, but when it comes to such stuff, men are so fucking stupid...

That moment was the longest in my life. I was afraid he wouldn't be as happy as me or said it would be too early. We just got married afterall.

To my dismay he bent down and picked me up, spinning me around happily while telling me countless times how much he loves me. I was totally taken aback by his reaction, but I was also happy that he took the new information very well. Better than I expected if I'm honest.

I expected a lot of things but not this. He was more than happy to hear the news.

After carefully putting me back down on the ground he kneeled in front of me and kissed my flat belly while he wrapped his arms around me lovingly. It was one of the sweetest things he had ever done to me.

He was precious to me and I felt myself precious between his arms too.

Kai used his contacts to get the best gynecologist for me and escorted me every time to see if everything's alright with me and the baby. I believed he was more excited than me depending on his actions. He was always the first to ask questions from the doctor. Well, Kai is doctor too that's right, but he is not a gynecologist.

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