Chapter 1

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A few days before Rosekit and Dawnkit's apprentice ceremonies...

The pigeon pecked mindlessly among the roots of the Sun Oak, letting out the occasional cooing sound. Leaves on the forest floor rustled faintly as the bird dug among the foliage in search of food. It wasn't long before it raised its head with a decently sized worm clutched in its beak.

Just as the prey prepared to take flight, its predator darted out of a nearby bush, pinning it to the ground in a heartbeat. Claws flashed across its neck. The pigeon squawked feebly as blood oozed from the wound, and it began to die slowly.

Minnowpaw sat up, her paws still pinning the bird by its wings. She watched triumphantly as her catch's struggles quickly grew weaker until they were gone altogether.

These birds are so dumb, she thought with mild amusement. Which makes them easy to catch. Lucky us!

Examining the pigeon, she noted that it was fat enough to feed all the elders, just as Thumpstep requested. Her mentor had taken her out here to test her hunting skills once more, and because the elders hadn't eaten much today, and deserved fresh prey. Minnowpaw hoped they would enjoy the pigeon—Brokenstem and Fernstripe, at least. She knew Ashwhisker well enough that she never expected her to be satisfied with anything, at least not openly.

Her ears pricked as more rustling in the grass announced Thumpstep's return. The big brown tabby was carrying a plump squirrel, which he set down. "Catch anything?" he prompted.

Minnowpaw stepped to the side and let the dead pigeon answer his question.

Thumpstep's yellow eyes narrowed. "Looks like it almost got away from you. It's bleeding a lot."

Minnowpaw shook her head. "No, it was an easy kill. I just clawed its throat instead of biting it."

"You shouldn't let your prey suffer if you don't have to," Thumpstep scolded her. "A quick bite to the neck is all that was needed."

"It's just a bird!" Minnowpaw protested. "Fresh-kill is fresh-kill, no matter how you take it down."

"It's not just a bird," Thumpstep meowed, "and prey in general is never just prey. Every morsel is a blessing from StarClan that we must be respectful of, because it can be taken from us as easily as we catch it. Did you give your thanks to StarClan when you caught it?"

Minnowpaw shook her head glumly.

"You need to learn to respect your prey, Minnowpaw," Thumpstep sighed. "It's part of the warrior code."

"Why is it part of the code?" Minnowpaw retorted. "I caught and killed the bird. I'll take it to the elders, they'll eat it and have full bellies. Boom. No thanks to StarClan given, and still no harm done. So why is it even necessary?"

"Because we're lucky StarClan let us eat at all," Thumpstep growled. "It may be greenleaf, but all our prey could still be gone in a matter of days. Disease could taint it, a fire could kill it all...that's why we give thanks to StarClan. To let them know we are aware of the blessing each piece of fresh-kill is."

"Oh, I'm sure they know, with all the Clans pointlessly thanking them fifty times a day," Minnowpaw muttered under her breath.

"That's enough!" Thumpstep said sharply. "I'll hear no more of this. We're taking our prey back to camp. You'll take the pigeon straight to the elders. And check them for ticks, while you're at it. If you won't show respect to your ancestors, at least show some to your elders."

Whether it's to show respect or not, checking the elders for ticks is a punishment, and I didn't even do anything wrong! I caught something for the elders just like Thumpstep wanted me to, and now he's mad at me because I didn't kill it the way he wanted. Why isn't he ever satisfied with me?

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