Chapter 6

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That night...

Minnowtail was certain she'd figured out what that persistent gut feeling had been. Her instincts had been urging her to stay for a little longer, because if she hadn't, she never would have discovered the plan Rosethorn had suggested to Adderstar. And now here she was, standing at the white fence between SunClan's forest and the Twolegplace, steeling herself for what she was about to do.

This could change absolutely everything, she thought. The fate of all these cats—both the Clan and the rogues—is coming down to me, right now.

Minnowtail breathed deep. She was willing to risk it all to give the Twolegplace cats a chance at survival. Because right now, their deaths at the claws of SunClan's warriors were inevitable.

Giving herself a final shake, she raced forward and leaped easily over the fence. She trotted briskly through the familiar Twoleg gardens, keeping her nose up and ears pricked for any sign of cats nearby. I hope at least someone is out this late, she worried. I doubt I can find the shelter all on my own. But unlike the forest, the Twolegplace was lit up by tall poles with Twoleg lights on the top of them. Streetlights, as Dominic told her. So with the streets well-lit, it was plausible that cats would be out and about at night. I just have to find one, and soon.

The stony streets and sidewalks were much less familiar to Minnowtail than the gardens. The only other time she'd been this deep into the neighborhood was the last time she'd seen Dom. But she didn't feel the least bit afraid or nervous in this unknown territory. The only fear she felt was for Dom and all his friends and campmates.

Minnowtail scanned the area. The streetlights bathed the pale sidewalks and darker roads in an eerie golden glow. The only sound was the whisper of a chilly leaf-bare breeze flowing through foliage. She shivered, not only because of the wind, but because it almost felt as if she was the only cat or Twoleg here. Like she was standing in the middle of a ghost town. I guess having Dominic around always made me feel safe.

Doing her best to shake off that spooked feeling, Minnowtail trotted briskly into the empty street. It seemed there were no Twolegs riding around in their cars this late. She was skeptical about raising her voice in such utter silence, but she didn't have time for wandering aimlessly and hoping she would come across a Twolegplace cat. I'd probably get lost, anyway.

Holding her head high, she called out, "Hello? Are there any cats nearby? I need to speak with you, please! I mean no harm!"

She turned in a slow circle, looking for any flickering shadows that could be a cat in hiding. All she saw were those of grass and bushes.

Fox dung. Minnowtail lashed her tail in frustration. Would this really work? Just keep trying. Louder this time.

"Is anyone around? This is urgent! I need to speak with—gah!"

Minnowtail's word were cut off as something suddenly drove her into the pavement from behind. She felt the skin on her cheek tear as it scraped over the rough surface. Paws pressed down on her shoulders, their claws piercing through and pinning her.

The voice of a tom snarled in her ear. "Stupid wild cat. You're not getting one over on us this time, not with this bee-brained plan!"

"What? No, I'm not—" Minnowtail broke off with a hiss as the tom's claws dug deeper.

"I'd recognize your disgusting scent anywhere after what your friends did to Valery," he spat. "But since they're not here, I suppose I can settle for making you pay. A Clan cat is a Clan cat."

Before Minnowtail could respond, he flipped her onto her back. She got a quick look at him—white fur with black patches, round amber eyes narrowed to slits—before she registered that his teeth were bared and his gaze was fixed on her throat. Oh, no—

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