Chapter 7

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Roughly a moon after the battle...

As much as Minnowtail despised SunClan, she knew forests would always feel a little more like home to her than the neighborhood. Even when she was as used to walking on pavement among buildings as she was to walking on grass among trees, forests offered her the sort of comfort one could only get from the place they were born and raised.

This was what Minnowtail was thinking as she and Dominic reached the white picket fence that divided the forest from the neighborhood. But this was not the same fence that SunClan and the rogues had fought at just over a moon ago. It was a whole other edge of the neighborhood, bordering a forest that was outside Clan territory. A forest where the rogues could finally hunt freely—though the long trips to and fro made every cat's paws ache.

With a huff Dominic dropped the tiny mouse he was carrying in his jaws. Sensing her mate was about to speak, Minnowtail followed suit with her rabbit—a valuable catch she was quite proud of. She almost hadn't seen it skid by, its white fur blending seamlessly with the fresh snow on the ground.

"So, how do you feel?" Dom gazed at her with adoring golden eyes that caught the afternoon sunlight in their depths.

"I'm not sure," she admitted. "I'm excited, the same time, this almost doesn't feel real."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...this is the first time I've ever had a say in my own identity. My name and my loyalties were decided for me before I even opened my eyes. I had to be Minnowkit, then Minnowpaw, then Minnowtail. And I had to be a warrior of SunClan. It was all so confining. But now...I'm free, just like that. That's what doesn't seem real." Saying it out loud helped a little, but the muted elation she felt was still surreal.

"I can't imagine what that's like for you." Dom stepped closer to her, twining his tail with hers. Instantly Minnowtail felt warmer, even with melting snow soaking her paws and back. "But I hope today solidifies everything for you."

"I think it will," Minnowtail replied softly.

Today—as soon as she and Dom returned to the shed, in fact—Minnowtail would grant herself her new name in front of all her new campmates. She'd had the whole moon to think of what she could call herself, and only yesterday had she finally settled on a name. She'd told Zodiac she was ready to be welcomed into the group by her new name; Zodiac had decided it would be done tomorrow. And now today was the day.

"I'm excited to find out what you chose for your name," Dom mewed. "Although I'm going to miss calling you Min."

"I'll miss hearing it," Minnowtail purred. "Anyway, we should be getting back."

The pair picked up their fresh-kill and set off back toward the shed, leaping over the fence.

All of a sudden, Minnowtail recalled something Dom had told her ages ago. No part of you has to be dictated by someone else. Your name, your behavior, who you're allowed to be friends with...nothing. You'll be free, and it won't be long before my campmates come to love you just like you wanted the Clan to.

Her eyes watered as pure happiness flooded through her. It's time for me to be who I want to be.

* * *

They'd healed better than Minnowtail thought they would after the battle with SunClan. Physically, at least. But many cats were still shaken after seeing Poppy bleed out before their eyes. Minnowtail herself was a little rattled, but she reminded herself that revenge would come soon enough. You're as good as dead, Rosethorn.

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