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Silas stands beside Morgana as Arthur kneels before Uther, being crowned Prince and Heir to the throne "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom and its dominions according to the statutes, customs and laws laid down by your fore...

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Silas stands beside Morgana as Arthur kneels before Uther, being crowned Prince and Heir to the throne "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom and its dominions according to the statutes, customs and laws laid down by your forebears?" Uther asks. "I do, Sire." Arthur responds. "Do you promise to exercise mercy and justice in your deeds and judgments?" Uther asks. "I do, Sire." Arthur repeats. "And do you swear allegiance to Camelot, now and for as long as you shall live?" Uther asks. "I, Arthur Pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service and to the protection of the kingdom and its peoples." Arthur swears. "Now being of age and heir apparent, from henceforth, you shall be Crown Prince of Camelot." Uther declares making the court applaud as Arthur stands up and faces the crowd. Silas' smile drops as a black armoured Knight on a burst crashes through the stained glass window making Arthur and the Knights draw their swords, Silas copies as he draws his own sword and makes sure Morgana is behind him "What in the devil's name?" Uther asks. The horse walks towards Arthur and the Black Knight throws down a gauntlet as Uther looks at the crest in the shield in shock, Arthur sheathes his sword and goes to pick up the gauntlet but is stopped as another Knight gets their first "I, Sir Owain, accept your challenge." Owain tells the Knight. "Single combat. Noon tomorrow. Till the death." The Black Knight tells him before riding out.

Arthur and Silas head to Morgana's chambers with Morgana and Gwen "He shouldn't have picked up the gauntlet!" Arthur exclaims. "So put an end to it." Morgana tells him. "The challenge has been taken up. The fight cannot be stopped." Arthur responds. "Then fight in his place." Morgana tries. "He can't." Silas tells her. "Why not?" Morgana asks. "Owain picked up the gauntlet. Owain is the one who must fight. That's the Knight's Code. He knew that." Silas explains. "But it's a fight to the death!" Morgana exclaims. "I know." Arthur sighs.

" Arthur sighs

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