Le Morte d'Arthur

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Silas walks next to Arthur as they hunt with some knights and Merlin "Merlin, spear

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Silas walks next to Arthur as they hunt with some knights and Merlin "Merlin, spear." Arthur says. Silas bites back laughter as Merlin drops the spear on Arthur by accident "Do you have any natural gifts Merlin?" Arthur asks. "No. Well, let me think. I'm not naturally rude or insensitive." Merlin responds. "Just naturally irritating." Silas jokes making Merlin playfully glare at him. They move forward and hear growling noises making Merlin look frightened, Arthur notices Merlin's reaction "It's probably more scared of you than you are of it." he assures him. Arthur signals to the knights where to go, as he does a creature with the body of a leopard and the head of a snake jumps out at them. Silas jumps back as Arthur drops his spear and they all run, Merlin falls making Silas, Arthur and Sir Bedivere help him up. Bedivere falls as they all carry on running "Have we lost it?" Merlin asks. "Who's missing?" Arthur asks realising that someone isn't there. "Where's Sir Bedivere?" Silas asks. Suddenly they hear Sir Bedivere screaming in the distance "Come on, we've got to warn Father." Arthur says.

They head back to Camelot and find Uther in the council chambers with Gaius, Arthur explains what happened "The creature you describe has all the characteristics of the Questing Beast." Gaius tells them. "Surely that's a myth." Arthur says. "According to the old books, the appearance of the Questing Beast is supposed to foreshadow a time of great upheaval." Gaius explains. "Gaius, it's an old wives' tale." Uther tells him. "Look, whatever it is, it's spreading panic. The people fear it will enter the city." Arthur tells them. "Then we must kill it. Arthur, gather the guard together. You ride at dawn." Uther tells his eldest son. "I beg you, Sire, do not dismiss this. The beast is an omen. I've seen it come twice before, the night your wives Ygraine and Evelyn passed away." Gaius warns Uther. "I've told you not to speak of those nights again. I have conquered the Old Religion. It's warnings mean nothing to me now. Arthur will destroy the beast and we will no longer suffer at its hand." Uther tells Gaius.

That evening Silas walks into Arthur's chambers "I'm going with you tomorrow." he tells his brother. "No, it's too dangerous." Arthur tells him. "I can help, in mor ways than one." Silas says, hinting at his magic. Arthur shakes his head "Silas, you can't come. It's way too dangerous for you come with me. I don't want you getting hurt." he tells him. "Arthur, I am going with you. I'm not taking no for an answer, I can help." Silas protests. "Silas-" Arthur starts. "No, if I don't go and something happens to you I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. You need all the help you can get." Silas cuts him off. Arthur sighs "Fine but you stick next to me." he says, pointing at Silas and giving him a look. "Deal." Silas nods before leaving. He heads back to his chambers where he finds Annalise waiting for him "Annalise." he smiles. "Silas, I heard what happened." she says. Silas nods "We're riding out at dawn to hunt the Questing Beast down." he tells her, walking into his chambers with Annalise following. "Please be careful." Annalise tells him. "I will, promise." Silas responds. Annalise bites her lip before taking her red ribbon out of her hair and putting it round his wrist with a bow "For luck." she tells him. "I'll wear it with pride." Silas assure her. "Make sure you come back." Annalise smiles. "I'll try." Silas nods. "Good." Annalise responds before kissing his cheek "See you when you get back." she tells him before leaving.

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