The archer and the ballerina

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A/n just quickly this is a kate one shot because I love her in Hawkeye
Yn= your name
Y/h/c= your hair colour
Y/n/n=your nick name
Readers POV
Yn and Kate bishop had been best friends forever and yn was super supportive when Kate's dad died. They were both now in collage and had decided to share a door room and have two separate sides of the room, Kate's side of the room was decorated with posters of Clint Barton and arrow targets, oh and of course her first bow and arrow hung up on the wall. Now yn's side of the room was very different, she had her first point shoes hung up in the corner and all the dance certificates she had won, and of course the pictures of all her friends and family hung up with fairy lights.
Yn's POV
Kate had been acting off today like she was extremely nervous around me before I went to ballet class this morning, which leaves me to now, I had just finished my audition for the ballet show of the nutcracker . I mean this would be my first big role if I got Clara but the downside is we only have 5 months till we have to perform it ON CHRISTMAS EVE!!!! And what's worse is that Kate usually hypes me up before big auditions and she barely spoke to me today, so I'm worried I'll just end up as a backup dancer this year.
Kate's POV
I feel really bad, I've ignored y/n/n all this morning but to my defence I can't help it. See I've had a crush on yn since 6th grade and I'm worried if I tell her it will tear apart our friendship so I've been trying not to talk to her. And what's worse is that I just realised it's her big audition for Clara in the nutcracker was today and I totally forgot to hype her up, now I feel super bad. All the sudden y/n/n walked in with her point shoes in her hands. God she looked so pretty with her leotard on and her y/h/c hair tied in a high ponytail. She slouched down on the couch sighing so I went over to her. 'You okay' I said to her ' no, what's up with you you've barley said anything to me today did I do something wrong' she quietly said to me.' No if anyone did something wrong it's me , how did the audition go' I said hopefully'alright I guess' she said in a sad tone. I finally have had enough I just need to come clean and confess my feelings for yn.' Y/n/n can I ask you something' I ask putting her hand in mine while she nods yes. ' well you know how close we are and I completely will understand if we aren't that close after what I'm about to say.....' what do you mean?' She asked in a confused voice ' yn ever since the 6th grade I've loved you and those feelings have grown more every day so what I'm trying to say is will you be my girlfriend.....
(Time skip two weeks later)
Yn's POV
'Ughhhhhh' I groaned waking up to my girlfriend Kate screaming i my ear. ' what do you want Kate' I say half asleep ' they did it the emailed you the cast list y/n/n!!'
' wait what! Read it I can't' I said worried. ' okay...... aaaaand YOU GOT IT YOU GOT CLARA!!!!!!! she said before she grabbed my face and kissed me.
(Time skip 5 months later)
It was the day before my show day, I've been practicing so hard. And as for Kate let's just say she's been quite busy these past phew weeks, and by that i mean she's been saving New York with Clint Barton aka Hawkeye. witch has also resulted in me being held hostage as leverage at one point and let's just say I almost didn't make it out alive. Kate has a big mission tomorrow also known as my show date but she has promised me that she'll be there in time witch I believe she will keep her word about.
(24 hours later)
It was almost show time and there's no sign of Kate. I can't believe she let me down. I guess I will just have to go on without her watching, so here I am in a night gown and point shoes whith the curtains coming up.
Kate's POV
Omg omg omg im late the show started exactly 3 minutes ago I can't believe I let her down. But I guess if we run me Clint and Yelena can make it in time.
Yn's POV
It was Time for one of the hardest dances yet, it was the battle of the mouse king where I had to quickly take off my point shoe and throw it at the mouse king.
Just as I step out I could see Clint, Yelena, and my girlfriend kate sat in the front row smiling at me and suddenly I felt a lot better.

Sorry that was so long guys also thanks for 38 reads!!!!!

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