Is it to late?

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⚠️ SH  and ED trigger warning
Yn     Your name
Ynn.  Your nick name
Yhc.    Your hair colour
Yec.    Your eye colour

Yn's POV
Hailee's at set today to film another episode of Dickinson so I think today's the day. For the past 2 years I've been getting so much hate on being hailee's girlfriend I mean it's gotten so bad that I started to cut agin like about 13 months ago after being 8 months free. Growing up my parents were abusive to me, telling me that I was a mistake and didn't deserve to live. Also recently hailee's been coming home later then usual, she's always hagging out with Ella and always laughing at her phone in secret witch is making me think she's cheating on me, so at this point I really have nothing to live for.

Hailee's POV
Today's the day I propose to ynn, ella's been helping me prepare for months now. I know me and ynn haven't been together for long but I've known her since 5th grade and as soon as I asked her to be my girlfriend I knew she was the one.
It's weird though as recently yn's been more quiet and less happy? I mean come to think about it now, I haven't really seen her eat much recently. but hopefully tonight should cheer her up.

Time skip 30 mins

I decided to finally put my plan into action, so I called yn but she didn't pick up.

10 mins later

I know ynn and she never doesn't pick up her phone, I mean she's on it 24/7 for gods sake. But I'm starting to get a bit worried now as I've called her 20 times now and she hasn't picked up, nor has she texted me back. So I have now decided to ask the director to quickly go home as it was an emergency, and luckily he said yes, so quickly I got in my car and started the 10 minute drive home.
Yn's POV
I know hailee's been calling me but I can't pick up not now.
I had just finished writing my letter to hailee:
Dear hailee,
I'm so sorry but if you are reading this letter it means that it's too late. Just know it wasn't your fault, I've been unhappy for a while now but I tried to push it aside and remind myself how happy I am when I'm with you. Growing up you were the only person I had to live for, before you there was nothing but it's like what was I gonna do it's not like a young child can commit suicide is it? Believe me I've tried so hard for so long not to commit, but I'm just to unhappy. Just please know that I love you always and forever but you will eventually need to move on and find someone New and better then me.
Whith all my love yn. Xx

I then grabbed my razor after putting my note by the kitchen sink then put my best dress on

And sat on the bathroom floor and started to slit a long line across my stomach and just lay there listening to my slower breathing

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And sat on the bathroom floor and started to slit a long line across my stomach and just lay there listening to my slower breathing.

Hailee's POV
As soon as I got out the car I opened the front door as quick as I could, leaving the keys in the door not giving a care in the world if anyone could take them, all I could care and think about right now was ynn. As I ran through our house I was yelling yn's name out but I didn't get response. Finally I decided to look in the last room, the bathroom. As I slowly opened the door whispering ynns name I saw it.... A pool of blood surrounding her stomach. There she was laying on the floor with her long yhc hair scattered across the floor. The first thing I did was call 911 and put the phone on speaker. As I started to put pressure on yn's wound and started giving her cpr as I looked into he lifeless yec eyes and couldn't see her breathing.
Time skip an hour
Right now I'm in the hospital outside ynns room crying my eyes out while reading her letter, I feel as if it's all my fault like I wasn't there for her anough.
The nurse told me I was lucky that I got there in time and Knew how to do cpr otherwise she wouldn't have made it.
Right now ynns unconscious and all I can think about is how I would have had to live without her if I didn't decide to go home.
30 mins later
The nurse came out and told me that yn was awake now and I could go see her.
As I walked in I saw her week body slightly sat up while she looked at me and smiled so I gently went up and hugged her while we both cried into each other's arms.

Hey thanks for reading also sorry this was depressing. Pls leave requests.

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