Scream bitch

911 11 2

Ok so I think this might be a long one so basically I love the scream movies no spoilers for the 6th one pls I haven't watched it yet as I'm only 15😭😭😭😭 so Yh this is kinda scream related. Also this is yelana belova x reader x Kate bishop also everyone's 17 in this including Wanda
⚠️murder , blood , obsession, gun violence, knife violence, death

Yn's pov (Sunday night)
I was staying round my friend yelenas house for a sleepover.
Basically right now we are on the sofa watching the conjuring ( literally love those movies) I'm snuggled up to Lena as it's the basement scene at the end not gonna lie it's pretty creepy like can that witch not! Ugh.
Yelena: hey can you get that
Yn: uh yeah sure
I walked up to the phone and answered it
I suddenly heard sobs
Yn: who is this, are you ok lady
She just carried on crying
Then I heard a man's voice, that was my father's voice.
Dad: h-honey can you please stay at yelenas house for a little while
Yn: what dad why...... what's wrong, what's happened
Mum: Wanda and pietro... they're......they're dead... they were m-m-murdered
She screamed and sobbed into the phone
I dropped the phone and fell to my knees screaming and crying why would anyone do this they never did anything wrong. I cant believe it , 5 hours ago I was hugging my sister and brother after school and now their dead. 5 hours ago I was a triplet now I'm just an only child.
Lena ran over to me hugging my body cradling me
Lena: hey hey hey what's wrong whats happened
Yn: they're dead
Lena: who's dead
Yn: pietro and ...... and w-Wanda
I sobbed through my salty tears

Time skip (to the next morning at school )
I was dressed in black jeans black cardigan and black tank top in mourning of my brother and sister. Lena side hugged me while we walked past all the reporters as they tried to interview me.
Kate came running up to us
K: omg are you ok
she hugged me and kissed my head
( in a friendly way of course)
K: hey you can all just fuuuuuucckkkkk oooooofff leave her alone.
Kate yelled at the reporters but I didn't care about them anymore I felt numb I couldn't feel or think anything.
But I just carried on till we met with peter mj and America.

Time skip
It had been 2 weeks since I was attacked by ghost face and 3 since my siblings were murdered, I don't feel numb anymore just sad and drunk off my fucking mind.
And no I'm not an alcoholic, people just keep on handing me shots, yes I'm at a party, what! it's Kate's birthday, it's not like I could say no plus I needed a distraction from everything right now anyways.

I looked down to see the bandage that was over my stab wound bulging through my tank top and black jeans.
This one guy came up to me
Random dude: hey everybody's leaving now some kid got murdered like and hour ago and it was at school so everyone's scared shitless, but I have been admiring you all night so I wanted to do this
(Then u guys make out for like 45 seconds)
Kates pov
I enter the living room to see yn making out with some rando I look around to see no one in the house but Yn rando guy, America and yelena so I pulled out my gun and shot the guy in the back of his head.
I pulled my voice changer out
K: supriiiissseee Yn
America: what the fuck
She yells before running out
At this point yn's in tears
Yn: I-it was y-you all along
She sobbed pathetically
Y: good job baby
Yelana smirked
I kissed her on the forehead as Yn tried running away
Yelana got infront of her and I got behind her
Y: back up baby you aren't going anywhere
I pushed her against the wall and held a knife to her face as yelana held a gun to her head
Yn: why why are you doing this
K: why phft why are WE doing this- this is all you baby
Y: why do you think.... We love you of course but you- you were too arrogant to realise it. You just went out and made out, slept with and dated all these these MEN god just for them to disrespect and take advantage of you and your body.
Yn: why kill my siblings though, I loved them, they were my support system!
She sobbed
K: you think they would ever let you be with us, they looked down on us, in their eyes no women were ever good enough for you!
We heard the door open so me and Lena went to the hallway and saw America
Lena shot her in the shoulder and she passed it so she could bleed out slowly and painfully. We turned back into the kitchen to see that Yn wasn't there anymore
Lena: where are you- YOU BITCH!!
Yn: over here ladies
We turned around to see yn behind us
She shot lena in the head
K: no please baby I love you please I will be better you will make me a better person
Yn: you sick son of a fuck you were the one who actually slaughtered my siblings not yelana for fuck sake your pathetic
K: bu-but I love you
Yn: oh well say luve (oh well that's life)
Then everything went pitch black.

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