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An - ok so I know hailee doesn't have a niece or a a sister in the uk just pretend she does
(Also rainbows is like a fun creative girls group for 5-7 year olds )
Hailee's age- 15
Yn's age-14
Readers pov
Yn yln was a very kind young girl who loved to help others, like she worked at a care home most days, she'd help out around the house and finally every Tuesday at 5pm she would go help out at rainbows with her 2 friends kaylee and dannielle . Today they were going to do their rainbow promise and loads of fun games, and at the end get a badge for saying their promise.
Hailee's pov
Right now I'm in a little unknown town in the middle of the uk where my niece lives .(not quite sure why my sister chose to live here) but anyways my sister and her husband are out so I've been asked to take Lola (her niece) to rainbows. I wasn't exactly sure what rainbows was but then I looked it up and asked Lola and from what I've heard and read it sounds great and like a lot of fun.
Yn's POV
it was currently 20 to 5 and I had to be at rainbows at 10 to 5 so I was kinda panicking so i grabbed my pink jumper and my black Adidas leggings and chucked them on. Then I checked if my eyeliner was still intact, and put more concealer on so I didn't look like a zombie after my long day of school. Once I checked the time it was 15 to, so I chucked my hair back into a curly high ponytail and left my house and lucky for me I live only a phew minutes away so I got there for straight on 10 to 5.
Once I helped an adult rainbows leader carry in a box of things we would need for today, I put my phone away and asked what we were doing today.
5 min time skip
So after my friends danielle and kaylee arrived we were told that the rainbows would learn their promise witch was to be kind and to be helpful and serve their community. Pretty easy but then the hard part came, THE GAMES!!! I'm not even joking you game time is so chaotic, we have kids not joining in, kids crying, kids falling/ tripping, it's honestly a nightmare.
Hailee's POV
We had just arrived and to be fair I was quite worried, I mean what if people recognise me. I just looked at Lola and she looks pretty miserable so I ask her what's up
'Just tiered'
She replied timidly
So I compromised with her, I said that I would be in the room the whole time at rainbows, so here we are now walking into the hall entrance.
Just then she stopped at the door, then all the sudden I see a figure walking over to us, as I look up I see the cutest girl I've ever seen. She starts to try and persuade Lola to go into the hall then she offered me to go in with her as well to give her a bit more reassurance. Then I go take a seat and watch how this girl takes hold of lolas hand and let's her join the circle with the other girls, before going to stand with her friends.
Yn's POV
Kaylee started to whisper something to danielle, ' hey what are you two whispering about' I asked them
' oh nothing, just that the girl over there's staring at you' danilelle giggled .
When I looked over to hailee I think her name was I did indeed see her staring witch made me blush, witch caused my friends to silently giggle.
Time skip 2 minutes
The guid leader Was Now calling out all of the rainbows names for the register then she said 'right shall we check weather we have all 3 young leaders with us today' she asked the 20 little girls while they started cheering for us. First was Danielle, then kaylee who both got an amount of  medium screams and cheers. Then the leader said my name and all I could hear was death -inning  screams and cheers. I mean i do get why I got cheered for the loudest, it's because I care the most and am the funniest and kindest out of my friends.
Hailee's POV
Throughout the rainbows session I watched how yn would give the girls piggy backs, how she would take them to the toilet, she would hold their hand and do the game with them if they were to scared and how she would joke with them and be silly, yet while still being so responsible.
But mostly I noticed how amazing yn's smile was and then I noticed I may have, in the time of one hour, developed a crush on this girl.
Time skip
I decided to go for it , I'd ask for her phone number and if she'd like to meet up sometime for a date of something.
I walked up to her and tapped her shoulder and she turned around to face me...........

Hey guys thank you for reading and thanks so much for 1k !!!!!
Pls leave requests x

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