Chapter 2

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Buttercup felt her whole face glowing, it was all she could do to keep herself from squealing. "Easter Bunny?" she squeaked.

Slowly, she climbed off him, "I didn't hurt you did I? You're not going to run away, are you?"

Easter Bunny stood up, dusting himself off. "You made me spill my eggs," said Easter Bunny halfheartedly, trying to gather up his spilled eggs. Picking one up, he looked at it, "This one's broken, I can't give this out." He reached for another, "This one too."

Buttercup's eyes lit as she thought of an idea, "Hey, I know where we can get a few extra eggs. There's a hen pen just a little bit away, they're friends of mine, I'm sure they'll be more than willing to offer a few eggs for the cause." She didn't mention that perhaps one might be laying at this hour and maybe they could by chance get to witness the event together.

Easter Bunny looked at her, "Yeah, that'll be fine, won't quite be the same as the ones we make back home, but I don't think anyone will notice." He picked up another egg, split wide open down the center. Easter Bunny sighed, "It's only a plastic one, but the candy's gone."

Buttercup looked around on the ground and located a Reese's mini. She held it up for him. "A buttercup. Just like my name." She fluttered her eyes at him.

Easter Bunny took the candy and put it in the plastic egg, closing it up with a sigh. "Yah, I should be going. Oh wait, the eggs, I don't know what I'm doing anymore."

Buttercup led the way to the chicken coop, glancing at Easter Bunny with admiring eyes every few hops. Easter Bunny was really feeling put on the spot.

Finally, they entered the chicken coop, and Buttercup looked around. All was silent, and Buttercup felt a slight disappointment, no hens were laying. Well not eggs at least, they were laying in laziness sure 'nuff (But seeing as it was way late, Buttercup figured she should let that pass, though she wanted to see some action here.)

A hen cracked open an eye and looked at Buttercup wearily. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," began Buttercup, "I was here looking for some eggs-"

"Aren't you always," another hen interrupted.

"I'm looking for some eggs," Buttercup continued, "For my good friend Easter Bunny."

That's when the first hen noticed the other figure in the room, and jumped up in shock. "Easter Bunny!" she cried, followed by a loud agonized squawk. Buttercup realized with joy that the shock had just jolted an egg from her poor body.

The other hens, alerted by the first hen's cry woke up as well, "Easter Bunny!" "Easter Bunny!" "Easter Bunny!" each giving out their own screams of pain as they all had eggs of shock jolted from them.

Best egg laying scenario ever.

Buttercup turned to Easter Bunny, "Is that enough eggs?" she asked, giving him the sweet eyes.

As they exited the coop, they could hear the loud sounds of moaning from all the hens still sore from their eggs.

"Egg laying," Buttercup mused, "Must be painful. I pity all of them who have to suffer such agony."

"Yeah," Easter Bunny said flatly. Buttercup looked at him, by his tone, he knew a thing or two about Egg Laying that he wasn't letting on. Makes sense though, some hen had to lay all those eggs he hides on Easter someway.

"Can you imagine laying an egg?" Buttercup went on "Your body being expanded beyond all reasoning because somehow that's 'natural', and the experience is so intense you can't do anything but scream?" Buttercup paused, "That'd be so weird if it happened to me. Can you imagine?"

The Egg Laying of Mrs. Easter BunnyWhere stories live. Discover now