Chapter 5: The Choice for Love!

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The next morning Suga and his friends all wake up. Suga, waking up last, tries to go back to sleep when seeing and hearing his friends talking. Knowing that he will have to talk about last night when he gets up.

Oikawa: *catches this* "Nuh-uh babe, rise and shine!" *Pulls him up*

Suga: "But I-"

Akaashi: "We're all here for you, just start slow and work through it all." *Himself and everyone smiling, telling him that it's gonna be fine*

Suga relaxes and begins to tell them of everything, including his feeling during each moment, how it makes him reflect on Daichi and him. Everything he feels towards Hinata. During on f the talks, they even order pizza for lunch. They spend a total of 4 hours talking, laughing, crying and hanging out. Towards the end of the conversation, someone speaks up.

Oikawa: "Alright, I'm just gonna say it. Suga, you have loved Daichi for years, you've been best friends for years. No matter what happens, you're always gonna feel some kind of way about him. But I honestly think you love or are falling in love with Hinata. Who wouldn't, like he surprisingly has a lot more to him than just that energetic and sunshine personality? He genuinely just wants to see you happy, as we all do. Because my bitches deserve the best. If he was most people, he would have just tried while you guys were in a relationship. Not to mention that he was the only one who noticed that something was off about you. Not even Asahi, nor the two second year pair did. He probably on had the courage to tell you how he felt due to you being upset. Due to otherwise, he'd never want to ruin your happiness. 

Now, when it comes to Daichi, maybe he still loves you, maybe he doesn't. It's definitely not the same strength of love that it was before. If it was, we wouldn't be here in the first place. I think Daichi just came to the realization of what he lost and didn't want his guaranteed love gone from his life. I just want what's best for you. I truly believe that it's Hinata, even though it's new and scary. I just know, that if you chose Daichi, you'd go back with regret, questioning your worth left and right, wondering if he loves you, if it'll happen again. Filling you with worries all the time, and I can't let you go through that!"

Suga: "..."

Everyone else: "Damn, preach babes!"

Akaashi: "Did we open that gift yet, the one from Hinata?"

Suga: *sniffs* "No, it's over there. He said to open it at the right time."

Atsumu: "I'm thinking that time is now!" *Jumps up grabbing the bag*

Yaku: "Yes, definitely now."

Suga: "Okay, *Grabs the bag* Let's see *Empties the bag, and s small box and an envelope fall out* Huh, I wonder what this is? *Opens the box*

Suga removes the cloth from the box, sitting there is a silver necklace. The main focal point is a sun, with a crow shaped hole through it. *He turns it around, and read's the words engraved on it* "Sh-Shoyo's B-Baby..." Suga then reaches for the envelope and see that it says two words. Which everyone there, says out loud at the same time.

Everyone: "Suga's Song!?"

Oikawa: "OMG OMG OMG OMG, read it Suga! I didn't know about this part of the plan. Ahhhh!"

Atsumu: *slaps his arm* "You act like it's about you, quiet so he can read it!"

Suga begins to read the song

*A/N* I haven't written lyric in years, so please don't come at me for these lyrics. I tried; sure, it was only 5-10 minutes tops. But hey, what ya gonna do. We're gonna pretend there's music, it almost came out country in my head, if that helps you in anyway!"

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